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I was wrong about the left's narrative about Trump's presidency

In April of 2018 I made the prediction that if Trump gets to the end of his presidential term and none of the things that the SJWs with Trump Derangement Syndrome predicted would happen end up happening (as they won't), such as the country becoming a totalitarian fascist regime, instead of admitting having been wrong, they will instead argue that it was their activism that stopped Trump from doing those things, thus justifying this activism.

Well, it turns out that I was wrong in my prediction. Instead of doing what I expected, the regressive far left has been doing something much simpler and stupider.

What have they been doing, and will keep doing for as long as Trump remains president, and probably years after? They are pretending that every single thing they predicted is actually happening. They don't care that they can't present any evidence of it, they still keep claiming that all of their predictions were true.

For four years now, and for the foreseeable future, they have been constantly claiming that racist "hate crimes" have skyrocketed in the country influenced by Trump, that Trump says racist things all the time and constantly, that the country has become extremely dangerous for minorities, and that the country has pretty much become Nazi Germany v2.0. They have been repeating this narrative non-stop, constantly, for four years now, and are not showing any sign of stopping. Even though they have hardly any evidence at all of any of this.

As I pointed out elsewhere, if it were indeed so that eg. racist crimes have increased in the country significantly since Trump's presidency, you can be goddamn sure they would be doing nothing but pointing that out and talking about it non-stop, over and over and over. Twitter and Facebook pages would be nothing but them linking to and talking about all these crimes and incidents that are happening daily everywhere in the country (as they are constantly claiming is happening). Newspaper front pages would be nothing but article after article about these hate crimes and incidents.

Yet... pretty much nothing. Crickets. As I pointed out in that blog post, they are so desperate to grasp at any straws they can find that they will post links to even the flimsiest of stories about some guy somewhere being "investigated" for "connections" to such-and-such group, or whatever (not even that he did something, but merely that he has some "connections" to whatever group). And even those happen very rarely. You can be goddamn certain that if racist hate crimes were happening with the frequency they claim, they wouldn't need to resort to such flimsy news stories.

But that doesn't seem to stop them. They essentially have no evidence whatsoever, but they still keep claiming that hate crimes have skyrocketed, Trump is constantly saying racist things and yada yada yada. They are trying to force it to be true via repetition, propaganda and intimidation.

In 2018 I failed to see that outcome. I thought they would see that nothing of what they predicted happened and would just make excuses about it (eg. that it was their activism that stopped Trump from doing those things). I never thought that they would just keep pretending like those things are happening, no need for any evidence.

I suppose that's because I'm unable to think like a completely irrational lunatic who lives in an illusory fantasy world.
