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How the left and the media fabricate truths via repetition

On July of 2020 a group of "protesters" were illegally (although with the police deliberately not doing anything to them, as always) blocking an entire highway in Seattle. They had parked two cars blocking the highway, behind a curve. No lights. They were all wearing black.

Even though, apparently, the police had blocked off the highway, some random guy had somehow (it's unknown as of writing this how) found a way into the highway, most probably completely unaware of what was happening. As he was driving at full speed along the empty highway, suddenly the two cars blocking the way appeared in front of him. He couldn't stop in time, so he swerved to the right to avoid a collision. Suddenly, behind the cars were people in the middle of the highway, so he swerved left to avoid them. However, he hit two of the people. One of them is now dead.

Rather obviously, the regressive left and the mainstream media immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was a "white supremacist" who did it on purpose. Without waiting any sort of confirmation of who it was.

I'm sure that most of them were praying to their Social Justice Gods for it to have been a white man. "Please, please, please make him a white man! I'll do anything if you make him a white man! I'll sacrifice ten virgins to you if you make him a white man!"

The problem? The driver was a black African immigrant (initial reports were that he was from Somalia, or from another nearby country). It's a bit hard to keep up the narrative that he was a "white supremacist" when he is a first-generation black African immigrant.

The thing is, what would have happened if he had been some poor chap who just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and who just happened to have the wrong skin color, ie. white?

What would have happened is that the regressive left and the mainstream media would have created the True Fact that he is a far-right white supremacist Trump-supporting Nazi who did it on purpose. They would have not cared the slightest bit about the actual facts. If he had had the convenient skin color, they would have made him into a "white supremacist" "nazi", and that would have become cemented in history has an unshakeable fact for all eternity.

They would have made that fact via constant repetition. He would have been declared a "white supremacist" for literally weeks in the mainstream media, and all social justice activists would have referred to him as the prime example of a "far-right" "white supremacist" who committed an act of terrorism and murder, and they would repeated this as a true fact for years and years to come, constantly bringing it up, again and again and again, as a rock-solid settled fact that nobody can question.

In other words, they would have fabricated this fact out of thin air, with literally zero regard to what the actual truth of the matter happened to be. They don't care what the actual truth is. They create their own truth to serve their agenda, and they cement that fabricated truth into history via constant repetition. Repeat the same lie enough times, and it become truth.

Quite unfortunately for them he was not white. He wasn't even some light brown that could perhaps be passed as "white". He wasn't even one of those black conservatives. He was, much to their chagrin I'm sure, as far removed from "white" as you could possibly get, being an immigrant from an African country.
