For quite many years now, over a decade or so, and at an ever-increasing rate there has existed a coordinated campaign by far-left activists to have people they don't like fired from their jobs and removed from their positions. This has been named with the moniker "cancel culture".
Many people think that this is just a form of intimidation and trying to silence people and bully them into submission. An attempt at trying to make people afraid of expressing their dissenting opinions.
While that's part of it, that's actually not the ultimate core goal of the tactic. And I believe there seems o actually be scaringly little awareness of this, even among most anti-SJWs and critics.
Scaring people into silence is a nice bonus, a nice side-effect, but it's not the actual ultimate goal.
The ultimate goal is to remove all dissenters from all positions of power and influence.
When said, it may sound like a rather simple and self-evident thing. However, I get the impression that there's a surprising lack of awareness of that actual goal of "cancel culture".
How do you think that university staff and professors in the vast majority of western universities are almost 100% far-leftist? How do you think that the vast, vast majority of academia and the scientific community is far-leftist? How do you think that company after company is becoming far-leftist?
Because the people who are not far-leftist are being removed from those positions. And, quite obviously, now that there's a vacant position it can be filled by a brainwashed far-leftist drone.
Do you know what's even scarier? The fact that nothing is being done about this. Absolutely nothing.
The anti-SJWs talk and talk about "cancel culture", and whine and whine, but ultimately that means nothing, and achieves nothing. People who are not far-leftist are being removed from all positions of power in droves, and replaced by brainwashed drones, and nobody is stopping that from happening.
That's why they are going to win, and there's absolutely nothing that can be done about it. Enjoy your freedoms while you still can.
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