Far-leftist Trump-hating social justice warriors who think that all conservatives are literally nazis (not just figuratively or as a hyperbole, but literally nazis, of the exact same type that existed in Germany in the late 1930's) are violently pushing for their political ideology to become the only kind of government for the country, creating the perfect utopia and ending inequality and injustice.
The thing is, we don't need to just hypothesize and guess what would happen if they get in power. We already have several examples of this.
Minneapolis may be the best example of them all. The city council, everybody in power, is not only 100% Democrat, but they are very far-left and hold very social justice ideological views. Pretty much every single policy that the far left is pushing, they have passed in Minneapolis. Social services, tax-paid subsidized housing, raising minimum wage, social programs to help "minorities"... Pretty much every talking point of the far left, they have passed.
Has, thus, Minneapolis become an utopia, a leftist paradise where all inequality and discrimination has ended, and everybody is happy and successful?
Nope. Regardless of all these city ordinances and social programs, for the most part the city has some of the worst statistics in the entire country. For example the average income gap between white and black people is the second worst in the country. Unemployment and poverty rates of black people are likewise some of the worst in the country. Business after business, especially the smaller ones, are going bankrupt in the city.
And, what do you know, Minneapolis is one of those cities in the United States with the most amount, frequency and severity of violent protests and riots, where the far-leftist activists are the most active and violent.
The amount and severity of the violence and rioting of Minneapolis might only be surpassed by Portland... another notoriously far-left-governed city (whose mayor is so far-left that he's essentially the head of antifa, actively allowing and encouraging violent rioting and actively stopping the police from intervening.)
This appears to be a pattern: The more leftist the government of an American city is, the larger the income gap is, the more poverty and unemployment (especially among black people) there is, and the more violent rioting there is.
So, if the far left ever gets into complete power in the United States, you know what to expect. We can already see clear examples of it.
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