This is my message to all the police forces and police officers in the United States.
For over four years now you have watched from the sidelines while masked terrorists have been roaming the streets and breaking the law, right in front of you, and done nothing about it. For over four years now you have directly witnessed these rich middle-class larpers disrupt traffic, disturb the peace, vandalize and destroy property, harass and even assault people, and have done nothing about it. For over four years now you have had people on the streets, who have been harassed and attacked by these terrorists, come to you to plead for help, and you have just watched, doing nothing. For four years now you have allowed all these crimes to happen, and done nothing to stop it or arrest the criminals.
You have been too afraid to do anything to a bunch of rich middle-class larping kids, and allowed them to break the law and harass and assault people, and break all other kinds of laws, without doing anything to them. At some places you have even deliberately allowed 100% illegal brawls to take place, deliberately staying out of it.
For decades you have had complete assholes among your own ranks. Racist cops with racist attitudes and who have abused their power and racist prejudice against people, and you have done nothing about it. You have all been too afraid to say anything, to do anything, to snitch about your "own" people. When these bad apples have abused their power, you have simply looked away and staid silent about it. When these bad apples have assaulted and brutalized people who didn't deserve it, you stayed silent and just looked the other way.
You are nothing but a bunch of cowards. You are like little children who are full of themselves but in the end are too afraid and too scared to go against the flow, to step over the line. You have been way too eager to hide behind the excuse that you have been "ordered" to stand down and not intervene, completely ignoring the fact that such orders are illegal and thus don't need to be followed, and the people giving such orders must be prosecuted.
Well, look at what you have achieved. Look at where you are now.
For years you ignored them, and allowed them to get away with their crimes, and allowed them to get emboldened and more and more violent and radicalized. And for years, even decades, you ignored the rotten apples among your own ranks. And look where you are now.
Now even city officials, district attorneys, mayors, and pretty much everybody is against you. Nobody is defending you. You are being defunded, you are being prosecuted, and everybody you thought would defend you are abandoning you like rats abandoning a sinking ship.
Some of you have posted teary-eyed videos about how you have been abandoned, and how everybody you thought were with you are now against you, and how you have no choice but to quit being officers because you have no safety, as nobody is protecting you anymore.
Well, boohoo. Cry me a river. This is all your doing. You are the ones who did not uphold the law. You are the ones who just watched form the sidelines for years and years while they terrorized the streets, doing nothing to stop it. You are nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards, and now you are paying the price. You made your bed, now lie in it.
They are defunding you and they are attacking you and they are abandoning you, and you did this to yourselves. You did not stand for justice, you did not uphold the law, you did not perform your duty, you did not stop the criminals, neither the terrorists roaming the streets, nor the criminal officers among your own ranks. So there. You get what you deserve. You allowed this to happen because you were too scared, fucking cowards. Cry all you want, you get no sympathy from me.
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