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Why SJWs keep pounding over and over the same "enemies"

There's a well-known fact in economy (which is actually often taught at economy classes in universities etc) that no matter how big your corporation is, and how popular your product brand is, you need to keep constantly advertising it.

Have you ever wondered why multi-billion-dollar brands like Coca Cola and Pepsi, which are absolutely ubiquitous and constantly sell like hotcakes, keep producing humongous advertisement campaigns, spending literally millions of dollars every year on these campaigns, even though their product is already enormously popular? Given that they sell millions and millions of bottles of their products every year, and it's a word-wide multi-billion dollar industry, they still keep constantly making advertisement campaigns, for products that are already popular and in theory wouldn't need to be advertised anymore.

The reason for this, which the advertisers and economists behind all of it know quite well, is that the intent is to keep the brand image "alive" and fresh in people's minds, keeping it as "the cool thing". They know that if they stopped constantly advertising it with grandiose campaigns, the brand name would slowly fade more and more into obscurity, it would lose its "coolness factor", and eventually it may even happen that sales figures would start to drop. You need to constantly keep the brand image fresh in people's minds in order to ensure that sales continue strong. And of course there's also the factor that new people, children who start growing old enough to understand things, will become "recruited" into the brand image, and start consuming the product (and eventually buying it themselves).

Regressive leftist social justice warriors, especially journalists, bloggers and influencers, do something similar to this, when it comes to certain "enemies" of social justice.

Quite literally nobody has cared nor talked about Gamergate in like 3 or 4 years. Yet, even to this day, in the year 2020, SJW journalists are writing articles about it (there are actual examples out there), repeating all the same conspiracy theory stuff over and over, which they have been repeating for years and years, non-stop, as if "Gamergate" (whatever they imagine it is, which they rarely seem to be able to articulate very well) were as alive today as it was four years ago.

Almost three years ago the Wall Street Journal wrote a slanderous hit piece about PewDiePie, painting him as some kind of racist nazi white supremacist. After that he has been the target of a massive and constant smearing campaign by SJW journalists. Almost no week goes by without them writing something to smear him. To this day they are still writing smearing articles about him, even though it has been almost three years since that original hit piece. It doesn't matter what kind of contrived excuse they can come up with, they will use it to smear him, constantly and en masse. If these SJW journalists remain in their positions, I'm sure the constant smearing will continue for years to come.

And of course I don't need to even go into details about Trump Derangement Syndrome. It doesn't matter that the SJW journalists don't have pretty much any concrete evidence of all the "racism" and "crimes" that Trump has committed, but they surely pretend as if they existed, and keep pounding on it, constantly, daily, non-stop.

And these are but just a few examples. But why do they do this? Why do they care about someone like PewDiePie (who hasn't really done anything objectionable, by any measurement, in literally several years)? Why do they keep pounding on a long-forgotten movement like Gamergate who nobody has cared about in years? Why do they constantly keep smearing a relatively small group of people and movements?

It's the same reason as with the Coca Cola ad campaigns: The regressive left needs their enemies, their targets, their scapegoats, their bogeymen, the evil to be feared and hated. If nobody talked about them, and constantly reminded people to hate them, they would eventually fade into obscurity as people would start slowly forgetting and stopping caring. Thus they need to keep the hatred fresh in their readers' minds. They need to be constantly reminded of who the "enemy" is, who they should hate, else they might start forgetting. And, of course, just like with the ad campaigns, new young people who are starting to join the ideology need to he taught who the "enemy" is. If they aren't told, then they would never learn, and thus the bogeymen would be eventually forgotten.

Of course this isn't really an explicit conscious deliberate campaign (with, perhaps, a few exceptions, in the case of a few journalists and activists). It's not like there's a memo circulating that instructs these people to keep doing this, for this reason. However, it is something that naturally happens. Activist zealots are naturally inclined to keep reminding themselves and others about who they should hate, so all this "advertisement campaigning" happens mostly serendipitously. (Although there is also some degree of people instructing other people to keep doing this, because they see it as "fighting for the cause".)
