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Abysmally slow RTX adotion rates, addendum

I wrote in an earlier blog post about the abysmal and astonishingly slow adoption rates of RTX in video games, even though the technology has been out for well over a year now.

Even as of writing this, there are essentially just three games with full serious RTX support: Battlefield V, Control, and Metro Exodus. (I don't count Shadow of the Tomb Raider as a game with "full RTX support" because there it's used only for shadows and nothing else, nor Final Fantasy XV, because there it's actually not used at all. I also don't count existing old games with third-party patches to add RTX support.)

I commented on that post how I'm not really interested in Battlefield V (reviews of the single-player campaign are less than stellar, and it's an SJW game), and how Control is an Epic Store exclusive, so they can go fuck themselves, I'm not buying it from there, which leaves only one potential game with full RTX support: Metro Exodus.

Well, I have to issue a correction here, as this was a rather critical research failure from my part: It turns out that Metro Exodus is also an Epic Store exclusive game (and has always been). I didn't know that.

Well, they can go fuck themselves as well. I'm not buying it from there.

Also, I mentioned in that post how the upcoming Doom Eternal will have RTX support, which would be one of the games I would be looking for in that regard. Well, it turns out that that was wrong information altogether: Doom Eternal does not have RTX support, and will probably never have. (It's unclear whether id Software is planning on an upcoming upgrade to the game that would add RTX capabilities, but that seems to be unlikely at this point, according to analysts.)

So rather than there only being one RTX game that I could ostensibly purchase, the matter of fact is that in actuality that there are no RTX games that I'm interested in. Not a single one.

Since they are timed exclusives maybe, maybe, I might contemplate purchasing them when they come out on Steam. But until that, there are no RTX games in the market, as of writing this.

Which, of course, leaves me with almost zero incentive of purchasing an RTX card.
