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Curious parallels between Trump and Brexit

This is not really something that just happen to emerge by chance over the last couple of years. In fact, the leftist media was already drawing parallels between Trump's presidency and Brexit back in 2016 and 2015, even before Trump was elected. Both things were discussed side by side, even within the same articles, as if they represented pretty much the same thing. There was even an opinion piece on some newspaper with a title along the lines of "don't worry, Trump will not become president and Britain will not leave the EU" (which, of course, is a source of laughs now).

I don't really understand why the regressive left was so adamant in making all these parallels between the two seemingly unrelated things. What does Trump's presidency have anything to do with Brexit? Yet, they did, and they still do.

In both cases the result came as a complete surprise, and shock, to the left.

Both people who voted for Trump and who voted for Brexit were named by the regressive left with all the names in the book. They are racists, xenophobic, far-right, white supremacists and yada yada yada. In both cases, rather obviously, without a shred of evidence.

In both cases surprisingly similar predictions were made by the regressive left, if and when it happened.

They were predicting that if Trump became president, the country would essentially become Nazi Germany v. 2.0, with military police storming houses and either deporting immigrants (nationalized or not) or taking them into concentration camps. Borders would be tightly closed. The amount of racist crimes would sky-rocket and the country would essentially become a warzone and a free range for any "white supremacists" and "racists" to hunt immigrants. When Trump's presidency was announced, many SJWs made really somber videos where they were crying and talking like they were expecting the military police to kick down their doors at any moment and take them away to a concentration camp.

They were predicting that if Britain leaves the EU, the borders would be closed, all immigrants would be kicked out of the country, families would be permanently separated, and the country would essentially become North Korea, with nobody being allowed to leave or enter the country. They were predicting complete economic chaos, rioting, looting and a complete economic collapse, and for "white supremacists" and "racists" openly assaulting immigrants. Some were so sure of this that they even built survivalist bunkers into the basements of their houses in preparation for the complete collapse of society and the ensuing riots.

Of course none of the Trump predictions came to pass (and in fact the country is doing economically better than ever), and none of the Brexit predictions will come to pass.

It's yet to be seen if the same pattern will happen in Britain with Brexit that happened in the US with Trump. It may well do.

What pattern, you might ask? Well, what did the SJWs and the regressive left do when their predictions about Trump didn't actually happen? They just kept pretending that the predictions were correct, repeating the same false claims about rampant racist crime etc. day after day, making it true by repetition. To this day they keep claiming that Trump is constantly saying racist things (even though they can't point to any concrete examples) and they keep referring to the rampant crimes motivated by racism and "enabled by Trump" (even though, once again, they have a quite severe lack of actual concrete examples). They have been repeating this for so many years that it has become a truth via repetition, at least among themselves.

We'll see if something similar happens in Britain with Brexit. Will the "remainers" start pretending that Brexit is causing rampant racist criminal activity (no need for proof) until it becomes a truth by repetition?
