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As predicted, feminist advocates for eradication of families

On October of last year, in my Predictions for the near future, part 17, I predicted that in the near future the modern regressive leftist feminist social justice culture will start advocating for the eradication of the concept of family, of "mother" and "father", because modern feminism absolutely hates and loathes anything that's traditional to western cultures and seen as their core values. They will advocate for children not having singular parents, and everybody being everybody else's genderless "parents".

Well, that didn't take long.

We Can't Have a Feminist Future Without Abolishing the Family.

"Lewis imagines a future where the labor of making new human beings is shared among all of us, “mother” no longer being a natural category, but instead something we can choose."
"In Lewis's utopian future, the family as we know it no longer exists. Everyone, regardless of gender, is a surrogate; we mother each other."
