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The United Kingdom finally left the EU, at last

For several years now I have been saying that I don't believe for a second that the UK will ever leave the EU. The British government will do everything in their power to delay and then reverse the decision. Anybody who thinks otherwise is just a deluded fool.

I have been also saying that if I'm ever proven wrong, I will openly, and gladly, admit having been wrong.

Well, here it is: I was wrong. The UK did finally leave the EU. It took a whopping 4 years for them to leave (almost a year longer than originally planned), but finally here it is: The UK is no longer a member of the EU, and can be removed from all EU maps.

And you wouldn't believe how happy I am for having been wrong! Good for them! I only hope other countries dare to follow suit.

This is a good place and moment to comment on how astonishingly hard it is to leave the EU. It's like trying to leave the Mafia. Or a religious cult.

I am old enough to have lived in my adulthood in the pre-EU era. Back then, in the mid-90's, the EU was sold to us as just a mere "light" economic alliance which would merely make it easier to do commerce between the European countries, and to make it easier to move within the EU, and that's about it. Every single member country would retain their full sovereignty and power of self-determination. This was nothing but a minor economic alliance and that's it. Not much more.

Even back then, well before my country joined the EU in the mid-90's, there were already strong EU skeptics and opposers. They predicted, quite correctly, that the EU would become much more than just a loose economic alliance, and that it would become a super-state, the "United States of Europe", with a central government, with vassal states that would be subjugated under the rule and rulings of this central government, where the autonomy and sovereignty of the member states would be greatly diminished and compromised.

Almost everybody laughed at them and thought of them as mere conspiracy theorists. Yet, they were quite right. The EU has become much more than what was sold to us, and is only becoming ever more authoritarian by the year (what with it trying to create its own "constitution" and its own army and everything).

And what's worse, and curious, the EU has somehow become an almost religious cult to the regressive left, something that has become quite clear in the UK over the last few years. If you read what the "remainers" are saying, it's very cult-like behavior. It's like they are talking about the EU as if it were some kind of Universal Church of Progressiveness, and leaving the EU as being all the regressive leftist buzzwords in the book, like racist, fascist, and so on. (Which is quite ironic, considering how fascist the EU actually is.)

I don't really understand how the regressive left became so enamored with the EU. They consider the EU pretty much synonymous, and the epitome of their ideology and ideals. Leaving the EU is "racist", somehow.

Maybe it has something to do with the several million African and Middle-Eastern immigrants that the EU, governed by Germany, has been taking into Europe and bestowed upon its member states, whether they want them or not. I think that might have made it the Church of Progressiveness, and thus the place you must belong to if you are an extreme leftist.


  1. I think the Treaty of Maastricht was the defining point where the E.U. became more than a trade zone. Among other things, that's when the euro was created; and the concept of European citizenship.

    Interestingly, it was before Finland's accession, so the conspiracy theorists weren't such at all.

  2. so it also means you should consider your political predictions also a little biased right?

    1. I don't know what you mean. Most political parties in the UK did their hardest during these last 4 years to delay and even reverse brexit, and the anti-brexit campaigning has been non-stop during the entire time. It wasn't exactly cancelled due to lack of trying. I don't see where my "bias" is here.

  3. against Europe and UK you said EU would delay it and never allow uk to completely exit and UK wouldn't exit if i remember correct if not apologies


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