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The most asshole popular thing to do with snow

One of the most archetypal, traditional and culturally deeply-ingrained perceptions in most cultures related to snow, of winters in areas where snowfall is common, is that of a snowfight: Making snowballs and throwing them at each other. This picture is so prevalent and so deeply-ingrained into popular culture and the social consciousness that it's almost inevitable that when a group of friends goes outside during a very snowy day, they will throw snowballs at each other.

Yet, for some reason I cannot really comprehend, nobody seems to ever think or be aware of that this quite often leads to the most asshole thing that one could ever do to a friend (or anybody for that matter).

Throwing a snowball at someone's face, especially if he isn't paying attention and is unsuspecting, is absolute and complete assholery. For some reason people seem to think that snow is soft and harmless like fluffy balls of cotton. In reality a snowball is quite heavy and solid, and if one hits somebody in the face at great speed, it not only will hurt like hell, but in fact can do serious damage. The face is one of the most sensitive parts of the human body, full of organs and zones that can easily get seriously hurt and damaged. Getting hit on the face with a snowball can hurt like hell.

The absolute assholery gets to a completely new level if the victim in question is wearing glasses. For rather obvious reasons. A snowball hitting the glasses at great speed can damage them and, of course, in the worst case scenario even break them. Even if the person in question is lucky and doesn't get injured by it, eyeglasses are really expensive. Even in the absolute best case scenario where the glasses are not broken or bent, at a very minimum it's highly annoying because the glasses will now be covered in slushy snow, which may be hard to clean up especially if the person doesn't happen to have any sort of cleaning cloth. Even in the absolute best case scenario that no injury or damage happens, it's still an asshole thing to do. Not to talk about the pain that getting suddenly hit in the face with a snowball causes.

Yes, I have personal experience. It hurts like hell, and it's annoying as hell, and it requires extreme restraint not to just go and punch the thrower in the face, no matter how much of a friend he may be.

Why this isn't a widely known warning, I have absolutely no idea. It should be.
