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Male professors to be given "minority" mentors

In my predictions for the near future, part 5 post, I wrote this:
"Companies will be forced by legislation to have "diversity officers", perhaps even assigned by the government itself. The exclusive role of these "diversity officers" is to make sure that the regressive leftist agenda is being enforced within the company, and that enough people with given external characteristics are being hired. They will enforce speech codes, and codes of conduct, and they will be tasked to enforce these codes by issuing warnings and fines, and even having the power to fire people, backed by the government, because of breaching such codes. They will have zero interest in the success of the company itself, and their sole purpose is to enforce hiring quotas and codes of conduct."
Well, while this has yet to be fulfilled (at least as a government-mandated thing), we now already have a precursor to the above:

Male, pale and stale university professors to be given 'reverse mentors'
"Male, pale and stale university professors are to be given “reverse mentors” to teach them about unconscious bias, under a new Government funded scheme.

Under the project, white men in senior academic posts will be assigned a junior female colleague from an ethnic minority as a mentor."
And yes, notice that it's government funded. The article reiterates that point:
"The EPSRC, a government agency, is funding eleven “Equality, Diversity and Inclusion” projects as part of an £5.5 million anti-discrimination drive in engineering and physical sciences."
I can assure you, it will only escalate from here. I predict that my original prediction above will become true, in one way or another, within the next 10 years.
