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The BBC is a racist organization

In general, racism is prejudice, antipathy, dislike, hostility or acts of discrimination against people based primarily on their race.

Social justice warriors are quite happy with that definition when it comes to racism (or alleged racism) by white people against non-white people. However, if the racism is against white people, suddenly goalposts are moved, and additional requirements are imposed (which aren't in the first case). In order to be "actual" racism, to be "truly" racist, not only do you have to engage in prejudice or discrimination, but you have to be in a position of power in society, else it doesn't count. It somehow doesn't count if only the thinking, the attitude, is prejudiced, if you can't act upon it. (But, of course, only when the attitude is in this direction, ie. against white people, not the reverse.)

Well, how about the biggest news corporation in the United Kingdom, which is government-funded? Is that "being in power" enough?

That would be the BBC, which happily engages in open and blatant discrimination against people based solely on their race.

People are denied jobs, and losing their jobs, actively discriminated in hiring, based solely on their race. By a big government-funded corporation. Meaning that this has the blessing of the government.

So, where will the goalposts be moved now, to make this not racism?
