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Why you should go to the gym and get fit in this day and age

The latest controversy regarding violence perpetrated by the regressive left is the case of a somewhat popular YouTuber, who is a heavy critic of the regressive left, being physically assaulted at Gencon by a social justice warrior because of his politics. The perpetrator has been identified, and the YouTuber is fully intending to sue him for assault. The perpetrator is one of those "punch a nazi" guy, who will physically assault popular people who disagree with his politics.

This is by far not an isolated case.

The thing is, this YouTuber, while not a small guy by any means, is clearly not the fittest person in existence, and was completely unable to defend himself. He was very lucky in that there were other people present who intervened, and helped him escape the assault. The perpetrator was clearly not content with just hitting him once, but was hitting him repeatedly, and his clear intent was to keep doing it. Only the intervention of bystanders stopped the situation and the injuries from becoming much more serious than they were. The aggressiveness and intent of the perpetrator were quite clear when he smashed a window when he could not pursue his victim.

In this day and age, getting physically assaulted by these regressive leftist terrorists is becoming more and more of a real possibility for anybody who disagrees with them, especially in the United States, the UK, and in increasing manner in other countries. These leftists are being indoctrinated into an ideology that justifies physical assault as a good and desirable thing.

There is one thing you can do as a preventive measure to lessen the risks and impact of being physically assaulted: Start seriously going to a gym, and get strong, muscular, athletic and fit. There are many good reasons for this:

1) First and foremost, it's good for your health. Even if you never get assaulted during your entire life, all this exercise will not be in vain. You will be healthier, and your life quality (and even life expectancy) will increase.

2) Being muscular and fit is a boost to your self-esteem. This sounds like vanity, but it's true.

3) Being visibly muscular lessens the chances of being assaulted. Especially a lone perpetrator is less likely to assault someone who looks muscular and strong.

4) Having strong well-trained muscles significantly lessens the chance of getting injured by physical hits, and lessens significantly the damage done by such hits. It also significantly lowers the amount of pain you experience from such hits. You will be more capable of taking much more of a hit.

5) If you are able to couple your gym regime with some kind of combat sport which has sparring, such as boxing, this will boost your self-confidence and make you less afraid and less intimidated by the threat of physical assault, and significantly less afraid and less shocked by the pain of a hit. You will be able to endure much more pain without getting overwhelmed. Even just training on your own with a punching bag can help with this.

6) Just the mere fact of being physically strong may help you from being overwhelmed by an assaulter, and may even help keep the attacker at bay. You don't even necessarily have to go to any martial arts or combat sports training (although if you do, I recommend either boxing or Brazilian jiu-jitsu). Just sheer strength may well be enough. (Remember that the vast majority of these social justice warriors are very weak and inexperienced in street fighting.)
