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And once again we see how social justice is a racist supremacist ideology

Check this article:

MOGA Creative Director Explains Their No White Models Policy

How else can one describe discrimination against people based on their race other than racism? There is no other word to describe this.

Also notice the subtitle:

"This policy is essentially turning the tables and switching the power balance in favor of minorities."

Notice how it's not about equality. It has been for years completely clear that they don't want equality. For a long time they claimed they do, but for quite some years now they have pretty much stopped saying that, and are unashamedly stating outright that they don't want equality. Instead, they want to "turn the tables".

Just consider how nonsensical and unjust that is. It's nonsensical and unjust even if we considered, for the sake of argument, that their premise is correct that white people are the "oppressors" and non-white people are the "oppressed". They don't want to stop the oppression. They want to "turn the tables".

Imagine, for example, that there's a school bully who has been tormenting another student for months, and something is finally done about it. Would the proper way to fix the problem to be to "turn the tables" and make the victim now become the bully and start bullying the first kid? That would obviously be completely nonsensical.

Even if there were racism, the proper way to fix it is not to just switch who is being discriminated against, and who benefits from this discrimination. That's not how it works! That's only going to cause even more resentment and animosity. You aren't fixing anything! You are only making things worse.

But that's exactly what the social justice ideology wants. It's a supremacist movement, not a movement for equality. It wants power and control. It's not interested in equality. It's interested in power dynamics.
