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Is Tucker Carlson being fired from Fox News a tipping point?

Tucker Carlson is arguably by far the most famous news anchor in Fox News, by a large margin. Well, more precisely, was a news anchor in Fox News, because apparently he was "let go" for some reason, even though he was racking millions of viewers every time he appeared on TV. As far as I know he had by far the largest audience among all the news anchors in the company.

Carlson was quite notorious for not being afraid of digging up and showing what he thought were the facts, and go against the government, politicians and huge megacorporations. In recent months his most notorious action was that he was the only journalist in the entire country who dared to report on and show leaked footage of the January 6th so-called "insurrection", showing that there was no "insurrection" at all, and that it was just a bunch of protesters walking peacefully inside the Capitol Building while escorted by police officers.

Indeed, he was literally the only journalist in the entire country who had the balls to report on this. Not only did nobody in any other news network dare to do this, but moreover they attacked Carlson for doing so. As incredible as it sounds, other news networks promoted censorship and secrecy, while Tucker Carlson was the only one, even among other Fox News reporters, who promoted openness and putting all available information in the public for everybody to see.

And that's just one of the most prominent examples.

Did he ever misrepresent something, exaggerate something, or promote some unfounded conspiracy theory? Possibly. But while it would be nice if no reporter did that, it's pretty much par for the course (and any other reported, especially on the left-leaning media, should look in the mirror if they think they are better in that regard.)

But apparently he was hated by almost all sides because of this. Except by the wider conservative public, of course.

He was so hated, in fact, that members of congress directly and openly advocated for censoring him. Not just hinting at it, or indirectly. No, direct unambiguous calls for censorship. And, of course, when he finally got fired, direct unambiguous celebration that censorship was successful (with, for example, Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez directly stating how "deplatforming works" while celebrating this victory in censorship.)

Mind you, all these members of congress took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, very much including the First Amendment which protects freedom of speech and, extremely relevantly here, freedom of the press. Members of the congress promoting the censorship of a journalist is an outright violation of the First Amendment and is illegal. (Rather obviously nothing is being done about it, because apparently the Constitution doesn't mean anything anymore. Members of the congress can promote any anti-constitutional behavior with complete impunity, even though they explicitly took an official oath to not do so.)

But apparently Tucker Carlson finally pissed off the wrong people because now Fox News let him go. People are speculating that his attacks against big megacorporations and big pharma was too much. Where millions of activists and even the government were unsuccessful, huge megacorporations were much more effective: Carlson had to go, and Fox News capitulated.

It is possible that Tucker Carlson being fired from Fox News might be a kind of turning point in American politics. A turning point for the worse.

Fox News in general, and Tucker Carlson in particular, was a kind of last stronghold against the invasion of far-leftism in the United States. It was the only major news network with the principles and courage to stand against the raise of totalitarianism. For News was never perfect and they had their big flaws, but when it comes to standing against far-leftist totalitarianism they were an exemplary stronghold. In the last decade or so they were pretty much the only voice of reason among the mainstream media (regardless of their previous infamy).

Without Tucker Carlson it's very possible that Fox News will diminish. They might hold on for a while, but it's very possible that their audience will start shrinking. Who knows, maybe even their politics will change and they, too, will be invaded by leftists.

If Fox News diminishes into obscurity, there may be nothing counteracting the far-leftist propaganda in the United States anymore. It will mean that in practice all of mainstream media will be a propaganda machine for far-leftism, and it will be the only "truth" available and allowed. There will be no major news corporation exposing the excesses and crimes of the far left. It will be full-on Orwellian propaganda, and nothing else.

And the sad and scary thing is that the people celebrating Carlson's removal from Fox News do not even understand what they are promoting. They believe themselves to be safe from the totalitarian regime they are advocating for.

Nobody is safe from totalitarianism, no matter how much they support and promote it.
