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Why "gender affirmation surgery" actually makes things worse for those who go through it

The far left is currently pushing, and has been pushing it for several years now, the claim that "gender affirmation surgery", ie. sex change surgery (ie. effectively castration) not only actually helps those with "gender dysphoria" but is by far the best and most effective treatment for it, so much so that it saves lives (because, they claim, it reduces suicide rates among those suffering from the condition).

Unsurprisingly, this is nothing but politically motivated made-up propaganda. They cite numerous "studies" made on this subject, but if you actually go and read and research those studies you find out that they are all extremely lacking and flawed (such as using sample sizes that are way too small, timespans that are way too short, no controls, no double-blind or even blind experiments, and a quite obvious selection bias, among many other problems.)

Many on the other side have seriously posited that sex-change surgery most probably actually makes things worse, often much, much worse, than if the person hadn't been coaxed into going through the surgeries at all and instead received the actual psychological help that he or she needed.

And they are referring to the actual people who have an actual genuine case of gender dysphoria. When it comes to young impressionable people who were lured into it because of it being glamorous and fashionable, those are pretty much guaranteed to result in a horrible rest-of-their-lives for the vast majority of them. They were lured, coaxed and peer-pressured into horrendous mutilating surgeries that destroy their bodies forever, completely irreversibly, and there's no going back. Their fates are horrible to just think about, being mutilated like that.

But this is not about those. This is about those who have a genuine case of severe gender dysphoria. The argument is that the surgeries are going to make things worse even for them. How so?

For starters, it has been known for many decades that gender dysphoria in young people is temporary in the vast, vast majority of cases. This is well documented. Even if a young person in his or her early teens presents some symptoms of this, some confusion, in the vast, vast majority of cases it goes away during their late teens or young adult age.

If, however, they are lured into going through the surgeries, that mutilation will be a reminder and reinforcement of their dysphoria for the rest of their lives. The surgeries are not like a nose job, where you go to the surgery, you heal in a few weeks or a month, and then everything is fine and dandy, you are completely healthy and normal, and you can completely forget about it, as your nose will not require any sort of regular treatment, maintenance or medication. Sex change surgeries are crippling for life: You will need regular treatments and regular medication for the rest of your life, and you will never be fully healthy and functioning. If you stop the treatments, you'll usually lose even the little functionality that you may have, and you may suffer from severe complications.

In other words, what started as a purely psychological dysphoria, something that's purely in one's mind, was made into an actual physical dysphoria, which will physically remind of itself for the rest of the person's life.

What's worse is that the psychological dysphoria would have most probably passed and it was most probably temporary, and even in the few cases that it is not, therapy can help the person and be significantly healthier than going through the physical mutilation.

In other words, what was most probably temporary, and if not, at least greatly remediable, was made into a physical deformity via horrendous castration surgery, which will act as a reminder for the person for the rest of his or her life.

That's why the surgeries can make the entire thing much, much worse. A life-long crippling fate that one shouldn't wish for anybody.
