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American police officers are cowards and criminals, part 5

In 2015 a 57-year-old man from India was visiting his son in the United States, and at one point, while he was taking a walk through a neighborhood where his son lived, someone called the police because there was a "suspicious black man walking around, looking into people's garages".

Two police officers arrived on the scene and started interrogating him in a quite pushy manner, demanding his ID and his address. The situation was made complicated by the fact that the Indian man did not speak English almost at all, and couldn't understand and couldn't respond.

This was happening in Alabama, which is not a stop-and-ID state. In other words, it's one of the (quite many) states where the police can only demand ID if they have a reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime. They cannot legally demand ID (and punish someone who refuses) if they cannot articulate a particular crime that they suspect the person of having done or in the commission of doing. This law, as well as the constitutional protections on which it's based on (primarily the 4th Amendment) apply to all people residing within the borders of the country, not just citizens of the United States.

The man clearly does not understand what's going on, cannot understand what's said to him and cannot respond, because he can't speak English. So what do the police officers do?

At one point one of the police officers extremely violently tackles him onto the ground with extreme force, for no apparent reason whatsoever, even though the man was clearly not doing anything to warrant such a treatment.

The 57-year-old man hits the ground head first, suffering an injury to his spinal cord, knocking him almost unconscious and making him completely unable to walk. What do the police officers do after this happens?

They try to force him to walk, even though he's completely limp and unable to do so. Because he was just violently slammed onto the ground, head-first, causing him a severe spinal injury. Instead of keeping him immobile, they try to force him to walk...

The man became paralyzed, was hospitalized, and over the months recovered only partially, becoming partially paralyzed for life.

From the two videos recorded by the police car cameras it's very evident that the man was not violent, was not fighting back, and there was absolutely no reason whatsoever to tackle him like that. Especially at that very moment when the criminal piece of human excrement police officer slams him onto the ground, the poor man was just standing there completely immobile, showing absolutely no sign of being any kind of threat.

Now, can you guess what was the punishment for the absolute piece of subhuman excrement and garbage that is this police officer who brutally maimed and paralyzed, almost killed, a completely peaceful elderly man, for no reason whatsoever?

If you guessed "nothing", you would be completely correct.

The victim filed a criminal lawsuit against that piece of human garbage in Federal court. The charges were dismissed. Then he filed the lawsuit in the state of Alabama, and the criminal charges were also dropped. He then filed a Federal civil lawsuit against the officer and the police department. The case was settled for 1.75 million dollars, with no admission of guilt.

That absolute piece of shit coward was not punished in any way, shape or form.

This speaks to me of extreme corruption in the judicial system of the country.

You can find a summary of the case eg. in this video.
