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The far left does not respect other people's culture

For quite a long time it has been pretty universally, and especially in western countries, a widely adopted custom that if you go visit a foreign country, you do at least a modicum of research on the local customs, especially when it comes to things that the local culture considers offensive and disrespectful, and then you avoid doing such things when you are there, out of respect to that other country, especially if it's something small that's easily avoided or done.

As an example, there are some countries where money is expected to be treated with a level of respect because it has the face of the head of state (eg. emperor) on it. Not only should you not mistreat money nor eg. drop it on the ground, but an especially disrespectful act would be to step on a bill that has fallen to the ground (even if you do it accidentally). This is because you would be stepping on the photo of the emperor, and thus showing a great deal of disrespect.

Even if it's small things and customs you find ridiculous or even disagreeable, it's polite to follow them during your visit, just to be respectful to the local people. You have been invited to their country, you are a guest, and thus you shouldn't be disrespecting your hosts, no matter how inconsequential or ridiculous you think those small customs are.

For an equally long time there has existed this picture of a stereotypical arrogant egotistical westerner who has zero respect for any local cultures and just thinks that he can go there and behave in an obnoxious manner, make all kinds of demands, act like a pig who thinks he owns the place, disrespect the local culture and the local people, and overall act like a complete jerk and jackass. Such people have never been seen in a very positive light by anybody.

The far left despises such westerners as much as anybody else. But, rather obviously, they themselves tend to behave like that, because like always they think that they have the moral high ground and thus they can do whatever they want, and they are completely oblivious to their own hypocrisy.

The latest example of this is, of course, how they behaved when they went to the FIFA world championships in Qatar, thinking that they could just flaunt their homosexual symbols around with complete disregard to the Qatarian culture, and got all outraged when they were admonished and stopped by the locals. How dare these uneducated savages stop them from showing how virtuous they are!

Yes, they in all seriousness think that they can go to another country and start mandating how their culture should change, how they should run their country and their lives. They think that they are so morally superior to the people of that other country that they can just go and arrogantly make demands and behave like they want. They think they deserve respect from the locals, rather than the other way around.

These far-leftists are just assholes.


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