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"Equity" is quite a clever word

During the 1990's and early 2000's the far left talked a lot about "equality". Everything was about "equality". However, if you have been paying attention you'll notice that they have pretty much stopped using that word almost completely. You don't hear them using that word anymore.

Instead, they have replaced it with the buzzword neologism "equity".

As I have written before, "equity" is pretty much the opposite of "equality". While "equality" is the principle of treating everybody the same way completely regardless of irrelevant physical characteristics like sex and race, "equity" is the opposite: It's about dividing people into groups based on such characteristics and treating people in these groups differently depending on the group, giving some people special treatment and privileges and discriminating against others. The amount and severity of the privileges and discrimination depending heavily on which group the people belong to.

That word, "equity", has pretty much completely replaced their old pet word "equality", and this is completely on purpose. They don't want actual equality. They don't want people treated equally regardless of their sex or skin color. They want discrimination, they want special treatment, they want different standards for different people. They want lower standards for some people and higher standards for others, depending on things like the color of their skin (in other words, racism).

However, that buzzword, "equity", is quite clever.

How so? Because it fools the unaware, the people who don't have the experience and knowledge on theses things, into thinking that it's just a synonym for "equality". They have come up with this fancy word that's completely deliberately and purposefully different from "equality" (and they are quite open about it, if asked), but which easily fools the unaware into believing that it means the same thing.

And because so many people get fooled by the misleading word, they don't protest when it's promoted eg. at workplaces and other institutions. When a leftist activist infiltrator starts spouting about "equity and inclusion", who would oppose that? Who would oppose equality and equal treatment of people?

Except that it's not equal treatment of people. It's the exact opposite of that. And that's why it's so devious, and the leftists take full advantage of the confusion.
