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Why strong borders increase peace and safety

The far left has been for erasing all country borders since at least the 1940's (just listen to Charlie Chaplin's ending speech in the movie The Great Dictator from 1940. While 99% of that speech is very agreeable, there's shoved in that one part about erasing all country borders, as if that were somehow in line with the rest of the speech. I might make a separate blog post about that speech one day.)

This narrative of opening and erasing country borders got a quite big boost in the 1980's and especially 1990's (no doubt because the generation that experienced the horrors of war was dying off, replaced by the younger generation that had not experienced anything of the sort). This was the time when some western countries (with Sweden and the UK on the forefront) started their crazy massive immigration campaigns.

This campaign kind of plateaued off for a couple of decades until it absolutely exploded 2015, when the number of "refugees" and foreign nationals entering Europe exploded by several orders of magnitude (going from some thousands per year to literally millions in the span of less than a year).

Since about 2015 the far left has engaged in this absolute massive (and, unfortunately, mostly successful) campaign of destroying the west by importing as many foreign nationals as possible, to replace the native population and take over, as a sort of "reverse invasion". For quite many years the far left denied the "white replacement theory" as just an unfounded silly conspiracy theory, but in later years they haven't really even bothered doing that anymore, and more and more of them are outright stating it openly, directly, unambiguously and with a healthy dose of mockery and schadenfreude. (Indeed, the far left very loudly cheers and celebrates when they get news that white people will become a minority in some place, some of them even outright stating that they are "winning". Exact words.)

Most leftists have this completely naive view of the world, excellently reflected in Chaplin's speech at the end of that movie (I recommend watching that speech if you haven't seen it), and repeated so often by hippies in the 60's and 70's and far-leftist activists onwards. They think that if there were no borders, no countries, no nations, if the world where just one gigantic singular nation of all people, who are completely free to move however they want, wherever they want, without any restrictions, then the world would be a peaceful paradise, a hippie paradise, the Arcadia of ancient Greek mythology.

Unfortunately, that vision of the world just doesn't work. Humanity does not work like that. But why?

In order to understand why strong borders are not only necessary but in fact increase peace and prosperity (rather than the opposite, as the hippies and leftists claim), we have to look at the history of borders, all the way back when they were first implemented.

We have to ask: When we look at the entire history of humanity, all the way back to antiquity and even beyond, borders and border security has always been a thing, from almost as long as humans have been an agrarian species, and sometimes even earlier. Why is that?

Why did most cities build walls around them? Why did castles with huge walls exist? Why is the most common picture of a city in antiquity one that has walls around it? (Well, at least the innermost part of it. These were the walls that were build originally around the city, but as cities become more and more populated they start spreading out, and at some point they just stop building walls around everything, and concentrate on protecting the innermost and most important central parts of the city.) Some cities even have walls around smaller central walls, in concentric circles.

In the very distant past walls around a village, town or settlement served a dual (but similar) purpose: To stop wild animals from entering and wreaking havoc... and to stop enemies from entering and wreaking havoc. As settlements grew larger and larger, and became castles and cities, the purpose of walls became more and more to stop enemy forces from just entering and looting, killing, raping and destroying everything.

And that's the crux of the whole thing: People have attacked and warred with other people since as long as there have been people. Even back when humans consisted of very small nomadic groups of hunter-gatherers living in caves and extremely primitive huts, tribes of such people have always warred with other tribes. All tribes always had warriors and guards, not just to guard the group against wild predators, but especially against other tribes attacking and pillaging. For as long as humans have formed tribes that have possessions, other tribes have wanted to take those possessions for easy and quick gain, and they rarely had any qualms about killing the other tribe to do so.

We tend to think of ourselves as more advanced and civilized than those hunter-gatherers living in caves, and while in many aspects we are... in the most crucial aspects we are not. Groups of us still hate other groups us, we still attack each other, we are still jealous of each other, and we still attack and invade each other's homes, villages, cities and countries in order to get what they have, or to exact revenge, or whatever random reason our wild imaginations can conjure up.

The fact is, if there's a group of people with significant possessions out there with no defenses, just for the taking, someone will take it. And if those people resist, they will be killed. That's just part of the human condition. It sucks, but it just is, and there's no way around it.

Now, if that group of people have significant defenses to protect them, however, that actually acts as a deterrent. If they have big strong walls, if they have powerful weapons, if attacking them means that there's a really high chance for the attackers to die, that acts as a powerful deterrent for even thinking about attacking those people.

Today we generally do not build walls around our huge countries, but country borders are still very closely and strongly guarded. There are in essence "virtual" walls around the country. Any enemy force entering the country without permission will be met with extreme scrutiny and even deadly force if necessary (at least if a diplomatic solution cannot be found).

The stronger the defense forces of a country are, the more it deters enemy forces from even attempting an attack.

That is the reason why strong borders ensure peace and prosperity: Because they deter enemies and criminals from entering and doing whatever they want.

Without these borders there is neither a deterrent nor anything really stopping them from doing so. They can go wherever they want, take whatever they want, and assault, kidnap, rape and kill whoever they want in the process.

No amount of hippie "give peace a chance" kumbayah singing is going to change that fact. Humans just are greedy, jealous, tribalistic and outright evil. There have to be deterrents to stop them from doing whatever they want. And strong country borders are one of the most important ones there are.

That is why we need strong borders and strong border control. Remove them, and nations will crumble and everybody suffers. The world-wide hippie paradise will never happen, especially not by just merely erasing country borders.
