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Twitter meddling with parliamentarian elections of foreign countries

During the past two or three years the political left in the United States has been drumming on and on about their conspiracy theory of Russian meddling with the American presidential elections, and how it's the worst thing in the world, and how Trump was elected because of it.

Of course Russia did not meddle with the American presidential elections in any significant way (not any more than any other country), but that's not really even the point. They don't really care if there was meddling. They only care about getting some kind of political weapon against Trump, no matter what it is.

The whole thing is just a big bunch of hypocrisy. (If Hillary Clinton had been elected, and the conservatives presented claims of Russian meddling, of course the left would just dismiss it and laugh at it.)

Do you know what's even more hypocritical? Silicon Valley tech megacorporations meddling with the United Kingdom parliamentarian elections, and nobody, especially not the leftists, giving a flying fuck about it. On the contrary, they endorse it.

For example Twitter has recently completely banned several members of the UKIP party from their website. In many cases this has been done completely spuriously and without any reason given. Many of these members have in fact been very careful to not say anything that could come even close to breaching any Twitter rules. They have still been banned. No reason whatsoever given.

Nowadays, for good or bad, Twitter is one of the biggest platforms for mass public outreach. A politician who is being followed by hundreds of thousands or even millions of people can have his or her opinions and policies quickly reach all these people via the platform. Therefore social media platforms like Twitter has essential for communication between politicians and their voters.

Twitter, Facebook, and other such giant social media corporations banning and censoring these people are stopping them from communicating with their constituents. Since British parliamentarian elections are on the horizon, this is a clear case of meddling, especially considering how blatantly and utterly biased this is (rather obviously no politicians of other parties have been spuriously banned).

Do you think anybody, especially on the American left, cares about this, despite their furor about the possibility of Russian meddling with American elections? Of course not. Hypocrisy is thy name.


  1. If social media will not protect freedom of speech, it should be regulated by the FCC as a public utility, if not outright nationalized.

    I can't believe I have to say that, but the irresponsibility given their market domination requires it.


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