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Sex change surgery of children is a barbaric crime

In general, in a good majority of the world, including most of the western countries, we consider "female circumcision" and any form of genital mutilation to be barbaric, especially when done on underage children. It's explicitly and expressly forbidden in the law of most western countries, and many countries have for a couple decades now struggled with the problem of protecting the children of immigrants from it, given how common the practice of these immigrants is to take their children to their home country to be mutilated. Some countries will prosecute citizens and residents who engage in this barbaric practice (even if it's done outside the country), and there have been many such cases.

Other permanently mutilating procedures have also been either banned, or at the very least generally phased out and condemned by the medical community, again especially if done on children. A good example of this is lobotomy. Lobotomy was promoted by some medical professionals in the 1940's and 50's, and while the number of patients who this procedure was applied to was not staggeringly large, it's still in the hundreds of thousands overall. Some of these were young children.

Especially certain individual doctors prescribed lobotomies almost like candy, for all sorts of mental health issues, sometimes even very minor ones. They claimed that lobotomy is a simple and effective procedure. And sure, in many cases the lobotomy did indeed "cure" the underlying issue... but at a rather great cost. Most patients became, well... lobotomized as we currently understand that word to mean. In other words, they became very passive, inactive, slow, showing little emotion, and often having difficulties living on their own, without help. Many became completely incapable of that. Lobotomy is, after all, brain damage.

Lobotomies were still practiced in the 1970's, and even in the 1980's in a few countries, before finally becoming completely phased out and banned. Today, we consider lobotomy to be a barbaric and primitive practice, not different from other antiquated barbaric permanently mutilating practices like trepanation and female genital mutilation, especially when done to innocent children who don't know better and should be protected against such barbarism.

Yet, we have learned nothing. The insanity that's current social justice ideology is making the medical community of many countries once again resort to barbaric permanent physical mutilation of underage children.

In some countries, children as young as three are diagnosed with "gender dysphoria" and put into special programs to prepare them for sex change surgery. This even though every single pediatrician and medical professional who knows anything at all about children will tell you that you can't deduce anything about the behavior of children at that age, and that gender role playing is completely normal, and the psychological aspects of people's sexuality will not be determined for certain until well into late puberty. Diagnosing a child that young with "gender dysphoria", and especially doing to such an extent as to essentially condemn the child to genital mutilation, is absolute insanity.

The "program" that prepares these children for their sex change is, in essence, psychological manipulation and brainwashing. It's adults wanting to settle what their child will be, and manipulating and indoctrinating the child into it, rather than just treat them normally and let them have a normal childhood, and decide things on their own once they are old enough to have enough experience and understanding to make informed decisions (ie. late puberty and post-puberty). I consider this to be psychological abuse of a child, not dissimilar to what deeply religious cults do to their members, including children.

The next step, when the child starts approaching puberty, is giving hormone blockers. This goes to the realm of physical abuse. These children most usually are completely healthy and do not need these blockers. Later, the child will be started on hormone therapy. These drugs, when used for long enough, will cause permanent physiological damage to the child. He will become sterile and suffer from stunted growth, and it may increase the risk of all kinds of diseases, such as certain types of cancer. And since these blockers will be started when the child is like 7 or 8 years old, he will be way too young and impressionable to understand what's going on, or what the consequences are, especially when the adults who should be responsible for the child are encouraging him or her to do so, and brainwashing the child to think it's a good and important thing.

I consider this to be criminal abuse of a child, and the culprits should belong in jail.

(By the way, I'm using "he" as the neutral pronoun here. I'm tired of trying to dance around it and use complicated expressions or grammatically incorrect words. When I say "he" I mean "he or she".)

And then, of course, comes the absolutely most horrendous step of all: The sex change surgery.

The effect of hormone blockers, as well as the hormone therapy, can be partially reversed. Things like sterility may be permanent, and the person might suffer from things like stunted growth, but if the therapy were to be stopped soon enough, this person may well still be able to look and live a relatively normal life, even if he might be unable to ever have children.

However, once the child is put under the knife, the damage will be permanent and irreversible. The child will be permanently and completely irreversibly sterile, and the operation cannot be feasibly reversed if he later changes his mind. He will also need to be on constant hormone therapy for the rest of his life (which may well shorten his lifespan and increase the risk of many diseases). And the end result of the surgery may be horrendous.

This is just physical mutilation of an underage child, causing permanent damage, and it's a barbaric crime. It's even worse than female circumcision. Yet, many countries support this to the full extent.
This isn't just theoretical fear-mongering. It's happening, right at this moment. Hell, there's even a reality-TV show in the United States following one such person. It's as disgusting as you might imagine.

Isn't it incredible that we, as a society, condemn lobotomy as a cure for mental health issues as completely barbaric, especially when done on children, yet we accept extreme genital mutilation as a cure for mental health issues? Even if done on underage children.

If a consenting adult wants his genitals mutilated because he doesn't feel like they belong to him, fine. That's his prerogative. I would recommend medical professionals to recommend him some better alternatives, such as therapy. But if he really wants it and is willing to pay for it with his own money, and there's some doctor who is willing to do it, I suppose it's his choice.

However, when this is done to a child, it's criminal. All the people responsible for this should go to jail.
