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The actual "rape culture", part 3

I have written about what I consider to be the actual "rape culture" of our modern western society here and here. I'd like to add a third form of this to the mix:

This form of "rape culture" is that modern feminism has lowered the bar, the criteria, of what is considered "rape" more and more, and this has only been accelerating during the past few years. In other words, we have an actual "rape culture" in which more and more things are considered "rape", which oftentimes goes to completely ridiculous levels. We have also moved more and more away from technical definitions and physical evidence to subjective feelings. In other words, if the woman "feels" that she was "raped", then she was, completely regardless of what actually happened, and completely regardless of what the man was thinking, what his intent was, whether he crossed any lines, or whether there was any kind of coercion, forcing or manipulation involved. It's enough for the woman to "feel" that it was rape. And she can come up to that conclusion immediately after the act, or years later, it makes absolutely no difference.

(And I'm not even going, once again, into the fact that it's always, always, in that particular direction. In the other direction, ie. the man accusing the woman of "rape", it just doesn't work. Nobody takes that seriously, least of all those feminists. Equality my ass.)

This is not just theoretical hypothesizing. This mentality has actually real-life effects. There have been actual real-life cases where a woman was in a sexual relationship with a man for a relatively long time, then years later she had some conversations with other women who also had a relationship with that same man previously, and due to those conversations this woman came up with the conclusion that one of those sex acts was "rape". Years after the fact. And not even the last act they had, but an earlier one.

In one particular example the relationship continued for quite some time after the alleged "rape", with the woman often initiating the sex acts (as evidenced by messages sent by her to the man), and with no signs that she was in any way distressed by that one "rape". It was only years after the relationship had ended, and she had some conversations with friends, that she suddenly decided that one of those acts had been "rape".

In this particular case sanity prevailed and the man was found not guilty, based on all that evidence. That didn't stop the woman from defaming and outing the man (ie. making public his name, something that's actually illegal to do, especially when the accused is found not guilty) and going on and on for years with the victim act, gathering lots of attention. That man's life is pretty much ruined because not only feminists, but almost everybody else by default sides with the woman, no matter how much the evidence absolves the accused.

This is the current feminist zeitgeist. The actual "rape culture". A culture where women are told that if they "felt" that something was rape, then it was, completely regardless of the context, circumstances and evidence, and they should ruin the man's life. Women who do this are showered with attention, praise and fame. The accused men have no recourse against this; if a woman gets mad at them for any reason whatsoever, the woman has now a powerful weapon she can use to ruin the man's life (and get praise and attention as a bonus.)

There is another negative side-effect to this: It devalues the credibility of actual rape victims. When the definition of "rape" is broadened and broadened every passing year, when the criteria for "rape" are lowered and lowered, and when women are encouraged to, effectively, take revenge on men they don't like in this way, the credibility of all rape victims gets diminished and devalued. How can we distinguish between women who have been actually raped, and those who are just human scum playing the victim for the attention or revenge?
