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The peaceful action that most enrages the American police

What do you think is the action that most enrages, "triggers", the typical United States police officer, making him extremely aggressive and retaliatory, usually making him pull his firearm and scream at the top of his lungs at the "suspect", and completely blow the situation out of proportion?

It's understandable if a police officer were to react to this if someone directly threatens the officer's life, for example. Like pointing a gun at the police officer, walking into a police precinct with loaded guns drawn, or the like.

But what is the completely peaceful non-threatening action that causes the strongest such reaction from the average American police officer?

Could it be, perhaps, insulting the officer? Giving him the finger? Disrespecting his authority and telling him to fuck himself? Something else along those lines?

Nope. While a few officers might get mad at such a thing, they mostly just shrug it off.

No, apparently the thing that most strongly enrages American police officers is if you are driving a car, they signal you to stop, and you don't immediately stop right there, and instead you calmly, slowly and obeying all traffic rules drive a bit further and stop at a safe place, like a parking lot or a gas station.

Indeed, there are many, many examples of exactly this.

In one example an army veteran was signaled by a police officer to stop, and he drove a bit further and stopped at a gas station so that it would be safer than stopping at the side of the highway. The two police officers in the car proceeded to treat him like he was some kind of extremely dangerous hardened criminal who had just escaped from prison and murdered ten people. They drew their guns on him, shouted at him at the top of their lungs, and even though the army veteran kept his hands outside the window of the car as commanded, one of the officers pepper-sprayed him repeatedly.

That officer was fired, and the army veteran is (as of writing this) seeking legal action against both officers.

In another example a police officer driving on a busy highway signaled a car to stop, and once again the driver of that car didn't immediately stop but calmly drove for some time and then, very calmly and slowly, stopped at the parking lot of some store.

Once again, the police officer treated the driver like it were some extremely dangerous hardened criminal who had just committed a school shooting. The officer pointed his gun at the driver and shouted extremely aggressively at the top of his lungs.

Turns out that the driver was actually a pregnant woman, with two kids on the back seat. Pretty much the least-threatening person you can think of, who can drive a car. Did the police officer calm down, put his gun away, and proceed to scold her in a more professional manner for her "misconduct"? Nope. The officer went into full retaliatory mode and kept pointing his gun at the poor woman, and kept screaming at her at the top of his lungs, like she were some kind of extremely dangerous criminal. In the end she ended up in the backseat of the police car in handcuffs (something completely unnecessary and even somewhat dangerous to do to a pregnant woman.)

And these are just two examples. There are many, many more that you can find eg. on youtube. And these two are not even the worse of the bunch. (In one example the police officer almost killed the driver, a woman, by pushing the car and make it turn over to its roof. The woman was lucky to get away alive from that. And the examples just go on and on.)

For some reason it appears that the one thing that American police officers just cannot stand is for a driver to not stop immediately when signaled to, no matter how calmly and peacefully the driver behaves and stops a bit later in some safer place. Most police officers seem to go completely berserk, and they keep their berserk-mode on even after it's revealed that the driver poses no threat whatsoever.
