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It's ok when Biden does it

Every time that Joe Biden does something questionable, bordering the illegal (if not outright illegal), or just goofy, many people, including myself, like to point out "imagine if Trump had done the same thing", referring to how egregiously differently the mainstream media in the United States and elsewhere handle the situation. When Biden does something questionable or goofy, when the mainstream media cannot just ignore and keep quiet about it, they make up excuses. This even though the same media pundits attacked Trump for every possible minor thing, no matter how far-fetched.

Well, now we have the absolutely perfect example of this exact thing happening. In other words, both Trump and Biden doing pretty much the exact same questionable controversial thing.

Namely, having classified secret government documents in their private residences.

The two cases are so similar to each other it's outright eerie. It's not like one had done something obviously and egregiously worse than the other. (And no, no matter how many times the media and the leftists claim that Trump tried to obstruct the investigation and hide the fact that he had the documents, that's actually not true. Trump's lawyers had contacted governmental authorities several times notifying them of the documents, so that they could be taken back. Pretty much exactly what happened with Biden. It's just that in the case of Trump, the deeply corrupted FBI took the opportunity to make it into a circus.)

The two cases are so high-profile and so similar that even the leftist mainstream media couldn't just ignore these similarities.

So, what did they do? How did they handle it? Well, what do you think? Rather obviously they did everything they could think of to defend Biden, and claim that it's a completely different situation. Obviously.

It's actually incredible the lengths to which Biden can go, and the mainstream media will still defend him. He could literally commit a rape-murder, and the mainstream media would probably defend him (or, at a very minimum, try to downplay it significantly compared to if Trump had done anything even resembling such a thing.)

Some political commentators are actually a bit puzzled why, all of a sudden, Biden's lawyers decided to willingly report these documents to the governmental authorities. They had known of these documents for a long time, but only now they did something about it.

Some are even speculating that, perhaps, this is some kind of movement by the American left wing of the government to finally take Biden down. That he has served his purpose and is becoming way too much of a liability.

Who knows. It might not be long before Biden suddenly announces that he's stepping down, or something like that.

Pure speculation, of course, but we'll see.
