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Big tech has noticed that hiring leeches is not good for business

I wrote earlier how, for some reason, there's currently, as of writing this, going on a rather big wave of layoffs in the American big tech industry, where several huge megacorporations are firing thousands of "underperforming" people (as they themselves put it). I stated in that post that most of these layoffs are targeted at what I call "leeches", in other words, "gender studies" graduates who have no skills, no technical experience or knowledge, nothing to offer to the companies that for some reason hired them, and they are just billing full hours for doing essentially nothing (with reported cases of such people literally doing like a couple of hours of work per day, going home, and still writing full 8-hour days and even more in their timesheets).

This is not just my guess or interpretation of the situation. For example, as reported by Bloomberg, "tech layoffs are hitting diversity and inclusion jobs hard".

Note what the article starts with, which I find really interesting:

"At Twitter, the diversity, equity and inclusion team is down to just two people from 30, one former employee said."

A "diversity, equity and inclusion team". Originally consisting of a whopping 30 people.

And that's just Twitter, which isn't exactly the largest tech company around.

It's actually worse than what I originally posited. These leeches do not consist only of people who managed to fraudulently get hired using false pretenses and are then just defrauding the company of their money hoping to go under the radar by blending in with the tens of thousands of other employees, hoping that nobody notices that they aren't actually doing anything, while still being paid a full-time salary.

No. The "gender studies" graduates have succeeded in fooling companies to officially create jobs for them that do nothing. Jobs like a "diversity, equity and inclusion team", which contributes exactly zero to the revenue of the company.

Just think about it. Why would a company like Twitter need a whopping 30 people for such a position? Even if such a position were needed, wouldn't just one person be enough to fulfill it? Why do they need a whopping 30 people? And why does it have to be an entire separate "team"? A team dedicated to nothing else than "diversity, equity and inclusion"?

These people don't do anything useful for the company. In fact, it's even worse than that: These people are detrimental to the company. It would actually be less damaging to the company if they hired 30 people to just stay at home and do nothing, than it is for them to keep such a "diversity and inclusion team". That's because these far-leftist activists are extremely toxic and only cause division, anger and unrest, and they completely destroy any sense of teamwork and camaraderie among the rest of the workers.

I actually have first-hand experience on how toxic, divisive and vile these people are. They are not happy with just working in the background making sure that racist hiring quotas are fulfilled. No, they have the irresistible urge to engage in their activism within the company and they crave for everybody's attention. They will disrupt meetings, they will organize presentations and do all kinds of other things where they complain how the company is "sexist" and "racist" and "discriminatory", how the higher-ups ignore reports of sexual harassment and so on and so forth. (It's very curious how these people never report such clearly illegal incidents to any authorities. Instead, they just love to disrupt meetings and presentations with such accusations, with zero proof, zero evidence, and never reporting anything to authorities even when the thing they are whining about, if it had indeed happened, is highly illegal and would be something to report to the police. Very curious.)

The political activism of these leeches always causes division and unhappiness among the workers. Some will, obviously, be on their side, others will be just intimidated into silence, and they just create distrust and anger among the employees. In other words, they create a toxic working environment, and they contribute nothing of any actual value to it, and they do nothing that actually helps the profits of the company.

I suppose it's quite a surprisingly positive thing that apparently big tech is finally waking up to the reality of these leeches and starting to fire them. They cause nothing but trouble and do not contribute in any positive way to the success of the company.
