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The British government should be prosecuted for treason

There are literally tens of thousands of homeless people in the UK who live in utter poverty and without a permanent residence, because they just can't afford one. There are even more people who, while not homeless, nevertheless live in very poor conditions, having a hard time making ends meet, and who especially nowadays literally have to choose between buying food or warming their homes for the winter, and who live every day with the struggle of being constantly running out of money. Their living conditions are often completely sub-standard for such a developed country as the United Kingdom.

The healthcare system of the country is overburdened and on the brink of collapse. Newspaper articles describe how people with medical emergencies, even elder people on the brink of death, have to sometimes wait for literally hours before an ambulance arrives, because there simply aren't enough resources.

In many of the bigger cities of the country, especially London, many egregious crimes (such as burglaries and break-ins into homes and cars) are pretty much de facto legal because the police doesn't investigate them anymore. In a majority of cases the police doesn't even arrive to the scene to get your statement if you call them. Something like 99+ percent of cases are not only never solved, but not even investigated in the first place. The police doesn't have the resources (even though they seem to have plenty of resources to come harass you and even throw you to jail if you use the wrong pronoun online).

At the same time literally hundreds of thousands of people entering the country illegally are taken in by the government and put into luxury hotels and cruise ships, and given first-grade medical treatment bypassing all the queues to the doctors and hospitals.

Yes, the British government is giving more services and money to people entering the country illegally than they are to their own citizens. If you are a citizen of the United Kingdom, living in the country completely legally, and you have never committed a crime in your life, and you petition your government to give you housing in a luxury hotel, you will be denied. But if you are a non-citizen who has entered the country illegally, breaking the laws of the country, you will be put into luxury hotels and given special treatment.

That tells you where the priorities of the British government are.

Wouldn't it be time to prosecute the British government for treason?
