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The reason why the far left clings so rabidly to the January 6th "insurrection" narrative

In January 6th of 2021 a group of idiots (who were instigated by people who have later turned out to be very suspicious, more on that below) forcefully entered the Capitol building and trashed the place.

When compared to all the riots that have happened during the past 4 years in the United States, this one was relatively tame. Papers and office supplies and some furniture were thrown around, but nothing of extraordinary value was really broken or vandalized, and overall the mess was not something that a team of cleaners couldn't clean in a day and have the place look like nothing had happened. It was extremely tame compared to the dozens and dozens far-leftist riots that have been going on for years, causing literally billions of dollars of property damage.

The worst thing that happened during the riot was one death. The victim was one of the rioters, shot by the police.

However, this incident was a full-on jackpot for the far left, and the Democratic Party. The same far left that made Trump a "dictator" out of thin air, based on absolutely nothing, likewise conjured an "insurrection" and "the worst disaster since 9/11" out of this very minor riot.

The far left, including the leftist mainstream media, worked extremely hard for the entire duration of Trump's presidency, to make him an evil racist sexist tyrannical dictator. Now they are putting even more effort into making this riot one of the biggest crimes in the history of the country (even though quite literally nothing happened, other than some office supplies being thrown around, and one rioter shot by the police).

The far left has been in full force to fabricate this narrative for an entire year now, and they are likely to do so for the foreseeable future.

Never mind all those riots by far-leftist activists that are a thousand times worse (and some of which have been committed against Federal buildings). Those don't matter. This one does. This is their jackpot, their trophy, their ultimate prize, and they are going to milk everything they can out of it.

But why? Why are they so desperate in making this particular event their number one political weapon?

Here I'm not talking about their motivations, or their psychology, or their political ideology. I'm talking about why they are clinging to this particular event so ferociously?

The reason is that the far left is starving for "crimes" committed by their "enemies", ie. the Republicans, the conservatives, the critics of the far left. The left claims that such crimes happen all the time and are completely ubiquitous and daily, but they can't point to any particular examples. That's why when such a juicy "crime" presents itself, they cling to it like a drowning person clings to a lifesaver. They have been looking far and wide for something to use, a political weapon, a "crime" of the "far right" that they can use.

Thus, now that they have successfully conjured one, they are most definitely not going to let go of it, no matter what. It's their prized possession and enormously valuable in their fight to gain power. It's like someone having an extremely rare AK-47 in a post-apocalyptic world where everybody fights everybody else with sticks and shanks. He will guard his precious weapon like his life depended on it and will absolutely not let go of it.

This is their jackpot. This is their ultimate weapon. It doesn't matter that they pretty much conjured this political weapon out of thin air. It's their ultimate weapon, and they are going to use it dammit!

And they will keep reminding you of it for years to come. They will never let you forget about it. They will keep pounding on it, day after day, month after month, year after year. They will do everything in their power to keep it fresh in everybody's mind, and not let anybody forget about it.

The reason for which is something I have already written about in the past.

By the way, it's rather curious how the FBI, which doesn't seem to care much about the riots and arson of the far left, have gone after everybody that they can possibly identify who participated in this riot, even if it means breaking the law to do so. They have illegally obtained people's bank records (something that they can only obtain via court order, which they didn't have), and they have incarcerated people for literally months, in many cases even with people who they can't even articulate a specific crime that they have committed that would justify such an incarceration (which, likewise, is illegal).

Well... everybody except for a handful of notorious people, which is highly, highly suspicious.

There are several videos out there of a few people directly instigating the riot and giving orders and directions to the people participating in it. In these videos these people can be seen very clearly and unambiguously, what they are saying can be heard perfectly, they are very clearly acting as sort of "leaders" of the mob of rioters, and there's absolutely no reason why the FBI couldn't find out who they are.

Yet, suspiciously, none of these people have been arrested.

The FBI has gone to incredible lengths, even bypassing the law, to find out every single person who participated in the riot... except for these handful of people.

Why? Makes you wonder.
