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The raise of racism in modern society is just staggering

Recently the TV host Jimmy Fallon talked in his show about how for the first time in American history the number of white people went down.

What would be the normal reaction by the live audience in the show to this tidbit of information?

Most certainly not cheers and applause. Which is what happened.

This was not some kind of parody or humor. The audience was seriously and wholeheartedly applauding and cheering the fact.

In a recent speech, the President of the United States stated how in about 2070 white people in America will be an absolute minority. Ok, saying such a thing isn't in itself objectionable.

What he said next, however, is. He stated how that's a good thing.

This is not a unique case. High-ranking politicians in different western countries have expressed similar sentiments several times, often very directly and unambiguously, like that one German politician who in a speech said, very similarly, that white people will become the minority in major cities, and that's a good thing.

This is not a question of them talking about "white" people. This would be exactly as outrageous regardless of which "race" or ethnic group they were talking about.

The amount of widespread racism in the modern western world is simply astonishing. It's almost surreal.

I can't think of a single head of state or country leader making such statements in the past about any ethnic group. Perhaps Adolf Hitler possibly said something along those lines in some of his speeches (although if he did, I'm not aware of concrete examples.)

The only other people I can think of who would openly cheer and applaud the announcement that some particular race or ethnic group was disappearing from the country are neonazi white supremacist far-right extremists (the actual ones, not the "everybody on the right of Marx" of the social justice ideology).

In this case, however, we are not talking about just some fringe extremists saying such things in some obscure online forums. We are talking about prime time TV. We are talking about the President of the United States. We are talking about high-ranking politicians, officials and army Generals.

It's just astonishing how over 50 years of civil rights movements and all the hard work to eradicate racism from western society is now going down the drain very quickly. Extreme racism is spreading like wildfire, gaining more popularity than any time in the past. People are openly cheering and applauding racism, and it's only accelerating by the day.

My only hope is that future generations will look at these times with the same kind of disgust and scorn as we today look at the Apartheid and the Jim Crow era.

Because if they don't, we are seriously fucked. Not "we" as in "we white people". "We" as in all of us, every single person, regardless of race, ethnicity and political orientation.
