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Public restroom restrictions are not "rights"

Especially in the United States the various "restroom bills" have caused controversy because, even from a purely feminist perspective, they are problematic. Essentially they allow anybody to use any public restroom they want, without restriction. Which means that, more particularly, at these places women and girls do no longer have a womens-only place to do their business, and will have to endure the possibility of men coming into the restroom. Even from a feminist perspective this ought to be rather problematic. (It wasn't even so long ago that the far left was aggressively fighting for "safe places" for, among others, women, where women can go and where men have no place entering. How fickle is the SJW mind...)

When facing criticism about these bills, social justice ideologues often argue that these bills are not meant for predators to be able to molest women and girls. They are meant to "protect the rights of LGBT people". In fact, oftentimes these bills are named or presented as bills to "protect the rights" of minorities.

This is a nonsensical argument.

They talk as if men using the men's restroom and women using a women's restroom is some kind of right. The "right to use the restroom corresponding to your sex."

This would be astonishingly hilarious if it weren't so perplexing and sad.

Public restrooms being sex-segregated is a restriction, not a right. If you are a man, you are restricted to use only the men's restroom. If you are a woman, you are restricted to use only the women's restroom. This is not a "right" you have. This is a restriction imposed onto you.

They talk as if these "restroom bills" are merely extending to "minorities" the same rights as everybody else has. That they are protecting the "rights" of these minorities, implying that they somehow have less rights than everybody else, and thus these bills are necessary to bring them up to the same level as everybody else in terms of rights.

But this is not a right. This is a restriction. It's not your "right" to be able to use the men's restroom if you are a man. It's a restriction imposed on you. And this restriction applies to everybody. There is no "right" being denied from anybody here.
