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Why do far-leftists constantly virtue-signal about themselves, addendum

Some time ago I wrote a blog post about a gaming-related forum I have actively participated in for several years now, and how there are some other participants there who really love to virtue-signal about their pronouns and their "trans" status. It sometimes becomes so obnoxious that I felt the need to write a bit more about it.

There are at least three or four people there who openly identify themselves as "lesbian trans-women". In other words, completely normal men who are attracted to women, but who get kicks and adulation by claiming that they are "lesbian trans-women".

Mind you, those people, and other "lesbian" and "trans" people in that real-time discussion forum, are the only ones who I have ever seen, during my several years there, talk about their personal lives to this level of detail. I literally do not know the marital or relationship status of any other person in that forum, nor do I know anything at all about their possible spouses or partners, nor do I know anything about their personal preferences when it comes to other people, nor about their medical problems that they might have. I literally do not even know if they are male or female (other than, in a couple of cases, by very indirect deduction). Nothing. I'm not exaggerating or making anything up: The "trans" and "lesbian" (most of them both, allegedly) are literally the only ones in the entire forum, over these several years, who have ever talked about themselves and their personal lives in this respect. Nobody else.

It is absolutely clear to me, and I have zero doubts, why they are doing that. It's extremely obvious: They are virtue-signaling. They are narcissistic, and they want validation, adulation and love-bombing. (They are most likely not innate narcissists, and their narcissism is learned, but nevertheless.) People do not naturally and normally talk about themselves to complete anonymous strangers on the internet in that level of detail about those subjects. About the only people who do are those seeking narcissistic adulation and validation.

Also, as I mentioned in that other blog post, I'm pretty certain that most if not all of these "lesbian trans-women" are neither. They are just trying to score victim points in this far-leftist world, and possibly because they get fetishistic kicks out of it.

Mind you, I'm not saying that all of them are lying outright, ie. they might not be thinking inside their heads like "yeah, I'm just a normal dude who likes women, but I'll lie about it and claim that I'm a 'lesbian trans-woman' in order to get validation and possibly more leftist pussy". It may well be that most, if not all, of them at some level of consciousness might even believe it, to one extent or another. They might have well been brainwashed so deeply into the cult that they might actually have started believing that they are "trans" and "lesbian". In other words, they might not be lying per se (they might pass all lie detector tests), but they have been deluded by this modern far-leftist culture into believing it.

In other words, if the world today were like it was 30 years ago, I'm quite certain that none of them would be claiming to be "lesbian trans-women", and they would just be regular blokes with regular tastes in partners, who wouldn't claim nor even think otherwise. Even if in the actual modern world at some level they believe they are what they claim, that's just something they have been convinced of by their surrounding society, not something that they naturally believe.

(That being said, I would be 0% surprised if at least one or a few of them are just outright lying about this status of theirs, to either score acceptance points, or to try to fit in, or even to just deceive and troll people, genuinely laughing behind the scenes by all the fools believing that they are "lesbian trans-women". Given how extremely disingenuous, deceitful and manipulative far-leftists are, I would not be surprised in the least.)

Anyway, all that virtue-signaling is annoying and tiresome. The forum in question has absolutely nothing to do with the subject, and they are just begging for adulation. That love-bombing-begging is a bit disgusting.
