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Why are some streamers so eager to ban viewers?

I have been watching for some days a Twitch stream that broadcasts sumo wrestling (both live and replays), as it seems interesting. Unsurprisingly, viewers in the stream chat have lots of questions about sumo, about what's happening in the stream. There's a bot in that chat that has a huge amount of fact commands: for almost any question that you might think of about sumo it's likely there's already an answer programmed in the bot, which people can make it say.

One common question I saw several times was about why the sumo ring is elevated:

After all, it's very common for a wrestlers to violently push the other wrestler out of the ring, and quite often that other wrestler falls off the edge to the floor below, and that seems quite dangerous.

I recently saw someone asking that very question. And it seems quite a genuine and legit question to ask. Why is the ring platform elevated? It seems a bit dangerous.

That's one question I had never seen being responded with a bot command, so I asked if there's a command to answer that question in particular. After all, seems like a sensible answer to have there, given how many answers to that many questions are in the bot.

Someone answered by saying something about "we have had this argument many times".

That answer left me genuinely perplexed. There has been an "argument" about this? As in, it's some kind of contentious issue of some sort? The elevated ring platform, or adding an answer to the frequently asked question to the bot? I genuinely did not understand what was going on.

So I asked about the argument. What argument?

Suddenly and unceremoniously I was completely banned from the stream. Not just from the chat, but from even watching the stream itself. Just like that. No warnings, no messages, no reasons given, nothing.

That left me even more perplexed. I honestly don't even know why I was banned. For asking about the argument in question? How should have I known that it was such a contentious issue that even if you bring up the topic you will get instantly permabanned from the entire stream? There was literally no way of knowing that. What did I do wrong? Banning me from just the chat would have been strange enough, but why ban me from even watching the stream itself?

I suppose there was some kind of insider info that regular users knew about. However, since nobody explained it to me, nor warned me about, I literally had no way of knowing. It also seems like quite an over-reaction to permaban a newcomer with no warning who had absolutely no way of knowing what was going on.

Of course this is not even a unique situation. I have seen this kind of over-eager overzealous moderating before, where moderators happily issue bans left and right at a whim, with complete disregard to anything. Sometimes they might give a vague warning before doing so, sometimes they don't even bother doing that. They literally do not care.

I'm puzzled about why. Don't they care about getting viewers?

Update: I made a ban appeal where I said that I genuinely did not know why I was banned, that I was not given any warning so there was no way of me of knowing not to do whatever it was that I did wrong.

I was unbanned, with the unbanning note saying that they were tired of answering that same question again and again, that they had already answered my question. Mind you, I had only asked that question once a couple of days prior, and then in the day of the ban someone else asked a question about that same thing and I asked if the bot has a fact command about it (as it seems to be quite a FAQ), and because of that I was unceremoniously banned. Not just from the chat, but from even seeing the stream.

It left me wondering if they got confused by that other person's question, and thought I asked it, even though I didn't (the unban request automatically shows the last half dozen messages sent by me, and it was quite clearly seen that it wasn't me who asked the question).

But never mind that, even if I had asked the question again: Their solution to someone asking the same question a couple of times is to just unceremoniously perma-ban that person, both from the chat and from even seeing the stream, without any warning? No warnings, no muting the person for a time, no banning the person from the chat for a time. Just an outright permanent full ban with no warnings, even though the person in question could have had no idea that there was something wrong.

What exactly goes through the head of these people? And the funny and ironic thing is that one of the chat rules of the channel is: "Genuine questions you have about sumo are encouraged! We love em."

At least they unbanned me on appeal, so there's that saving grace at least. But they could have handled it much better. Such a drastic action for such a petty reason.
