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Why do far-leftists constantly virtue-signal about themselves?

I have been frequenting a particular gaming real-time discussion forum for several years now, and there are a couple particular people in that place that kind of stand out from the rest.

One of them very often explicitly uses "she" to refer to herself (assuming that she actually is a "she"), and frequently mentions her "wife". During the several years I have been there, she has been the only person I have ever seen to mention their spouse or partner in any way, shape or form, or to use pronouns referring to themselves.

Moreover, multiple times has she mentioned how she's taking "meds" for a particular mental illness. And this completely out of the blue, without being prompted in any way, or it being mentioned to excuse or explain some kind of odd behavior or incapability of doing something.

Perhaps even more egregiously, she has several times mentioned illnesses of her "wife", which starts crossing the boundary between mere egoism and the inappropriate.

These types of private matters are not something that normal people discuss in public forums to strangers, especially when the context of the forum has absolutely nothing to do with that. Private matters are private. People usually don't discuss their marital status, personal illnesses (especially ones relating to mental health) and especially not illnesses of their spouses.

There also happens to be another frequent user of that discussion forum who always talks about herself in plural. In other words, rather than using "I", she always uses "we". Is she just being funny and quirky, some kind of joking around? According to conversations with her and others she's actually being 100% serious, because apparently she has "multiple personality disorder", and apparently she is not just joking around.

I am quite certain that she understands perfectly well that there's absolutely no need to constantly refer to herself as "we" in a public forum, even if her condition were 100% real. Surely she understands that it's more normal and proper to just say "I". Her condition (if she really has one) is, once again, a private matter and there's really no need to go on one's way to make it so prominently public. Using "I" to refer to oneself in some random public forum shouldn't be any kind of problem, no matter how many "personalities" you might have, or how many voices you hear in your head.

It's quite clear that both of them are virtue-signaling in a very typical modern leftist manner.

Modern far-leftism is a cult of victimhood. The more of a "victim" you are, the higher your status, the more adulation and attention from others you get, and the more you can boss people around, especially those with lesser "victim" points.

But how to become a "victim" in order to raise in the ranks? How to get victim points and gain status and attention?

Well, if your race, gender or physical disabilities don't give you enough victimhood points, the far-leftist ideology provides you the perfect tool: Mental illnesses.

Just claim that you have some kind of "diagnosed" mental problem, how you are so "neurodivergent", how much you have to suffer from prejudice and discrimination in society because you are so "different" because of your "mental problems".

The great thing about mental issues is that there are so many to choose from, and you don't need to give any proof of it. If you can't claim to be of an oppressed race (which would require visual proof), or have a physical disability (which would also be hard to fake), then you can simply claim a mental handicap: You don't have to prove anything! You can simply claim you have it, and that's it. The entirety of society is supposed to just believe you, placate to you, respect you, adulate you, and do what you want.

And if on top of that you can claim some kind of minority status, such as being a "woman" who is married to another "woman" (actual or claimed), then all the better. Even more victimhood points on top of everything else.

But what good is all this if you can't show it around? Keeping such things private isn't going to elevate your status, isn't going to make you feel like a victim, and isn't going to allow you to virtue-signal nor boss people around. Thus, obviously, these people will just happily advertise their victimhood status to strangers, even in situations where it has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

These people are really insufferable egoists.
