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The new "rape culture"

Remember how 10 to 15 years ago one of the biggest talking points of the social justice warrior feminists was that we in the west have a systemic "rape culture"?

In other words, the masculine culture of men think that women are free to be abused and raped and, what's worse, the very law enforcement and judiciary system protects them and reinforces this culture, by regularly giving rapists very light sentences, or even just letting them free? According to feminists, this mentality was deeply ingrained in our culture, and law enforcement officials and the judicial system didn't take rape accusations seriously and regularly sided with the accused men, no matter how clearly guilty they were, which made it a systemic problem.

Well, what do you know, in the last ten-or-so years this has become more and more of a reality. Take for example this horrible example: A 15-year old was gang-raped for literally hours by 9 men in Hamburg, Germany. Because of the overwhelming evidence of their guilt (including biological evidence), all 9 of them were found guilty. However, only one of them was actually sent to prison, all the other 8 were set free.

This wasn't even a case of "set free because of lack of evidence". The evidence was solid, and all of them were found unambiguously guilty. It's just that only one of them was actually sent to prison, the others set free to walk the streets once again.

And I wish this was just a unique rare case that has never happened before or after. Unfortunately, it's not. It happens all the time.

If this is not exactly the kind of "rape culture" that feminists were talking about ten years ago, I don't know what is.

So, where are all the feminists protesting this? Why aren't they using this as their perfect example? Where are the protests, the riots, the twitter mobs? Nowhere. Crickets.

And why would that be? Well, it might have something to do with the nationality and race of all nine of them.
