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How to have a conversation with a "non-binary" person?

After having watched a huge amount of videos that are critical of modern far-leftism, I have noticed how rarely these skeptical people tend to truly challenge people who claim to be "non-binary", or "identify as non-binary". I think this claim should be challenged more.

Here are some tips on how you could challenge such a person, if you ever encounter one, who makes that claim to you.

Be aware, though, that while a good portion of far-leftists are very uneducated, not very smart nor quick-thinking, and only regurgitate what they have been indoctrinated with like mindless robots who are pretty much incapable of having an actual rational conversation, not all of them are like that. Some of them are actually relatively smart. Also take into account that for many of them this is their entire life. Their entire primary purpose in life is to study and be indoctrinated in the far-leftist cult. Thus, they have devoured humongous amounts of far-leftist material, watched huge amount of videos, read huge amounts of online articles and blog posts, and studied it all in minute detail, with a passion. And, thus, they might have an absolute humongous arsenal of arguments and points, many of which you might have not even heard of, and thus might come as a surprise. So be aware of that.

(Also, they love to use the same tactic as creationists love to use: Citing "studies" and "scientific papers", sometimes even by specific name and year, which you will have zero chance of corroborating there on the spot, and thus will be unable to give a proper response to. This is also something you should be aware of and prepared for.)

Anyway, when someone claims that he or she "identifies as a non-binary", one of the main questions you could as is: "What does that mean?"

If they answer with something along the lines of "it means I don't identify either as a man or a woman" (or "as a male or a female"), the next question is pretty obvious: "What does it mean to 'identify as a man'?" (or "what does it mean to 'identify as a male'?")

Don't let the person get away with vague hand-waving. Demand an exact definition of eg. "identify as a male". What does that even mean?

If instead of that, or following that, the person goes with "I'm not either a man or a woman", or "I'm not either male nor female", you can ask the same kind of question: "So what is a man?" or "what is a woman?" "What is a male?" "What is a female?" After all, if he or she is not a "man" or a "woman", or a "male" or a "female", surely he or she can define what those terms mean? In order to say that you aren't something, you have to be able to define what that thing is.

Note that "it's a social construct" isn't a definition of the term, so you can point that out too, if the claim comes up.

In case he or she asks you what you "identify as", that's actually a jackpot: Now you can even more strongly ask for a definition of "identify as". What does that even mean? How can you answer a question if you don't understand what the question is?

After all, it's not a question of "identifying" yourself as anything. You are what you are. What you think and say has nothing to do with it. You emitting noise from your mouth does not change your physical self, what you are. It doesn't somehow rearrange your molecules to be a particular way.
