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Predictions for the near future, part 29

One thing that the modern far left seems to love to do is to project their own faults onto their "enemies". One of the most prominent recent examples of this is how they just talk and talk about "democracy", and how we need to protect it, and how the "far right" and the conservatives are doing their best to circumvent and destroy it.

Which is just pure projection because that's exactly what the far-leftists are doing in the United States: Doing everything they can in order to tamper with and circumvent the democratic process. They are throwing everything they can at trying to stop a presidential candidate of the "enemy" from running, trying to throw him in jail, trying to stop him from being able to become a candidate in several states, and overall trying to decide on behalf of the people who they can and cannot vote for. They talk about "election interference" and "preventing election fraud", when they are, in fact, doing their hardest to make it as easy as possible for election fraud to happen: They heavily oppose any voter ID laws (so that, rather obviously, it becomes extremely easy for voter fraud to happen, allowing the same person to vote more than once, as well as non-citizens to vote), they heavily support voting by mail (which, rather obviously also is easy to abuse for voting fraud), etc.

Well, here's one prediction I am making related to that, in case that Donald Trump succeeds in running for President and is actually elected (and the far left doesn't succeed enough in their election interference to stop it from happening, or even worse).

One of the talking points that the American leftists love to spout is how four years ago Trump didn't accept the result of the election, and how back then they were predicting that he would refuse to step down.

Well, I'm predicting that if Trump were to win the election, they will do (or at least try to do) that exact thing: Biden will refuse (or try to refuse) to step down, and he and his administration, and the entirety of the Democratic Party, will do their hardest to try to delay the transfer of office as much as possible, fighting it in courts, organizing kangaroo court hearings of their own, and so on and so forth. The FBI will inevitably become involved. Who knows, maybe even the military, by this point.

Expect, at least for a time, for the White House and the U.S. Capitol building to look like military encampments, with police and/or military forces surrounding and occupying them. For a time it will look like a coup d'etat by the Democratic Party in all but name.

They most definitely are not above doing exactly that, and I would not be in the least surprised if that happens.

(If that ends up happening, how soon it will end, or how it will end, I don't know. Maybe they will just give up after a couple of weeks or months, in the best case scenario. In the worst case scenario they will end up declaring Martial Law and give Biden (or someone else) emergency powers, so it will become an actual military coup d'etat for all intents and purposes.)
