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Showing posts from June, 2024

The new "rape culture"

Remember how 10 to 15 years ago one of the biggest talking points of the social justice warrior feminists was that we in the west have a systemic "rape culture"? In other words, the masculine culture of men think that women are free to be abused and raped and, what's worse, the very law enforcement and judiciary system protects them and reinforces this culture, by regularly giving rapists very light sentences, or even just letting them free? According to feminists, this mentality was deeply ingrained in our culture, and law enforcement officials and the judicial system didn't take rape accusations seriously and regularly sided with the accused men, no matter how clearly guilty they were, which made it a systemic problem. Well, what do you know, in the last ten-or-so years this has become more and more of a reality. Take for example this horrible example: A 15-year old was gang-raped for literally hours by 9 men in Hamburg, Germany. Because of the overwhelming evidence

4k BluRay discs are (mostly) a scam

With the popularization of 4k televisions and displays, came a version of the BluRay disc format supporting 4k resolution video, as well as HDR pixel format. This to complement the already-existing "full-HD" (ie. 1080p) BluRay discs. In theory this is great. If you have a 4k display and you play eg. a 4k demonstration video on YouTube (at a very high bitrate), the resulting picture quality can be amazing: Extremely crisp and sharp images full of tiny details, most of which is less visible in a "mere" 1080p version of the video. Many of these "4k demo" videos are optimized to showcase the advantages of the extra resolution. Thus, "4k HDR" BluRay discs have become more and more popular and available for purchase, alongside the older regular 1080p BluRays. At a premium, of course. The thing is... in the vast, vast majority of cases you aren't getting what you are paying for. In a few cases you are, ironically, getting a worse version of the mo

How to have a conversation with a "non-binary" person?

After having watched a huge amount of videos that are critical of modern far-leftism, I have noticed how rarely these skeptical people tend to truly challenge people who claim to be "non-binary", or "identify as non-binary". I think this claim should be challenged more. Here are some tips on how you could challenge such a person, if you ever encounter one, who makes that claim to you. Be aware, though, that while a good portion of far-leftists are very uneducated, not very smart nor quick-thinking, and only regurgitate what they have been indoctrinated with like mindless robots who are pretty much incapable of having an actual rational conversation, not all of them are like that. Some of them are actually relatively smart. Also take into account that for many of them this is their entire life . Their entire primary purpose in life is to study and be indoctrinated in the far-leftist cult. Thus, they have devoured humongous amounts of far-leftist material, watched hug

Did Osbourn Dorsey invent the doorknob?

It's funny that the vast majority of people do not usually attribute inventions to a particular race. In other words, we don't say that "a white guy invented thing X", or "an eastern Asian guy invented thing Y", or that "a black guy invented thing Z". We usually just say the name of the person and don't really care what that person looked like. The modern far-leftist ideology is significantly more racist than that, and of course they love to attribute things, like inventions, to a particular race rather than a particular person. That's how you get the President of the United States, of all people, telling an audience "Edison did not invent the light bulb, a black guy did." That's right. He didn't even say the name of this alleged "inventor of the light bulb". It was just "a black man". Because apparently that's all that matters to these people. This, incidentally, is the absolutely perfect example o

Predictions for the near future, part 29

One thing that the modern far left seems to love to do is to project their own faults onto their "enemies". One of the most prominent recent examples of this is how they just talk and talk about "democracy", and how we need to protect it, and how the "far right" and the conservatives are doing their best to circumvent and destroy it. Which is just pure projection because that's exactly what the far-leftists are doing in the United States: Doing everything they can in order to tamper with and circumvent the democratic process. They are throwing everything they can at trying to stop a presidential candidate of the "enemy" from running, trying to throw him in jail, trying to stop him from being able to become a candidate in several states, and overall trying to decide on behalf of the people who they can and cannot vote for. They talk about "election interference" and "preventing election fraud", when they are, in fact, doin