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"Pride Month" is nothing but pure narcissism

Consider that word, pride. Notice how the vast majority of people who could genuinely be proud of their own accomplishments and contributions to the betterment of society almost never want the adulation and recognition of the wider public.

A fireman who risks his own life to save a child from a burning building could genuinely and arguably be proud of his accomplishment. Or a surgeon who performs a very difficult urgent surgery that saves someone's life. Or any of the other countless people in this world who either risk their own lives or use their knowledge, skill and experience to save other people's lives, or in other ways very prominently help other people.

A scientist who makes a key discovery that, for example, leads to a cure of a very dangerous disease could genuinely be proud of his accomplishment. Or a scientist who develops a new technology that proves massively successful and beneficial to society. Or any of the other millions of people in this world who contribute positively to society and using their talents, knowledge and experience to create something that truly improves people's lives and society.

Yet, do these people who would genuinely deserve praise and adulation demand or even expect it? Are they demanding parades to be organized in their honor, for millions of people to adulate them and celebrate their accomplishments in lavish parades that last for weeks and months?

For the vast, vast majority of them the answer is, of course, a resounding "no". And why not? Because they are not narcissists. That's why. Most people tend to be humble and quite private. They are content in the knowledge that they saved someone's life, or made a huge discovery that improved society by a great deal. They don't want public adulation, they don't want parades.

Especially, they don't want to act like clowns in public, in the front of millions of people.

Do you know who do? Narcissists. That's who.

And what do those hedonistic clowns dancing around at "Pride" parades have done to deserve the parades and the adulation of millions of people? Nothing. They have done absolutely nothing. They just want people's adulation and admiration merely because of some personal preferences that should be nobody else's business.

"Pride Month" and "Pride" parades are nothing but narcissism. Pure and simple. They are a complete disgrace, they are embarrassing, and the sooner the entire concept is stopped, the better.


  1. And you are using this fallacy:
    Here is what they mean by pride:

    1. The far left just loves wordplay. They love to take existing words, applying a new meaning to them or outright change the existing meaning, enforce it onto people by threat of violence, and then pretend that the word has *always* meant that, even though it hasn't.

      If you are really claiming that "pride" in this context is not the opposite of humility, then that's most certainly not what you see in the "pride" parades. Not a lot of humility there. They are prideful alright.

    2. "If you are really claiming that "pride" in this context is not the opposite of humility, then that's most certainly not what you see in the "pride" parades."

      Nice strawman.

      Another definition of pride is:
      "confidence and self-respect as expressed by members of a group, typically one that has been socially marginalized, on the basis of their shared identity, culture, and experience."

      You think any word can have just one meaning when that isn't how langauage works at all.

      It isn't about "praise and adulation".

    3. I find it quite ironic that you keep throwing names of argumentative fallacies (which in itself is rather pathetic; just throwing names of fallacies doesn't make you sound smart, it just makes you sound immature), yet you don't even seem to know what a "strawman" argument is.

      As for that dictionary definition, just because some random dictionary added a new definition in the past few years, quite clearly because of the current political zeitgeist, doesn't mean anything. Most dictionary producers, like the vast majority of other companies, are infested with far-leftist activists so they have absolutely no qualms in using their product for supporting the political agenda. (A great example of this is how the far-left decided that "sexual preference" is offensive, so Webster's dictionary hurried to add to their entry for "preference" that it's "widely" considered offensive in that context. Literally in the span of a few days after the left had decided so.)

  2. "I find it quite ironic that you keep throwing names of argumentative fallacies (which in itself is rather pathetic; just throwing names of fallacies doesn't make you sound smart, it just makes you sound immature), yet you don't even seem to know what a "strawman" argument is."

    It means you go "And what do those hedonistic clowns dancing around at "Pride" parades have done to deserve the parades and the adulation of millions of people?"

    And of course you don't prove that pride only means "want praise and adulation". If you can't then you are the one doing wordplay.

    "A great example of this is how the far-left decided that "sexual preference" is offensive, so Webster's dictionary hurried to add to their entry for "preference" that it's "widely" considered offensive in that context. Literally in the span of a few days after the left had decided so."

    Well just look up "ex-ex-gays" and failures of conversion therapy to show sexuality isn't a choice, hence it is more in line with reality.

    1. I still find it highly ironic that you keep throwing names of argumentative fallacies yet you don't seem to even know what they actually mean. Do I really have to explain to you what a "strawman argument" is?

      A "strawman argument", or "strawman" for short, is taking an opponent's argument, claim or position, distorting it in some manner, and then making a counter-argument to this distorted version (rather than the original). In other words, instead of dealing with the original argument, you build a "straw man" out of it, a caricature, a poor facsimile that's completely ridiculous, and attack that instead.

      In contrast, insulting, deriding or calling someone names is not a "strawman argument". That's because it's not dealing with any arguments, it's just belittling a person. At most you could call it an "ad hominem" (but even then that term would only apply if the argument is "the person making this claim has this negative trait, therefore what he's saying should be dismissed". A pure insult, without an argument being counter-argued, is not an "ad hominem", nor is it a "strawman".)

      If you are going to throw names of argumentative fallacies around, at least learn what they actually mean.

  3. "A "strawman argument", or "strawman" for short, is taking an opponent's argument, claim or position, distorting it in some manner, and then making a counter-argument to this distorted version (rather than the original). In other words, instead of dealing with the original argument, you build a "straw man" out of it, a caricature, a poor facsimile that's completely ridiculous, and attack that instead."

    Which is what you are doing when you claim pride is all about "praise and adulation". I 0oint that out but you keep ignoring it.


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