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The United States has a scary amount of governmental corruption

It's actually scary how much corruption and political bias there is in the United States, even and especially in the judiciary system.

Take the "January 6th" protest thing, for example. It would be one thing if it were merely the Democratic Party members and the mainstream media that are throwing a massive hissy-fit about it, and trying to make it into something that it was not, and organizing farcical kangaroo court trials about it. That would be bad enough, but if it were merely that, then it would just be a bunch of mentally retarded clowns doing what clowns do.

Where it gets much, much worse is when the FBI and the courts get involved in this heavily politically biased witch hunt.

Dozens and dozens of people who did absolutely nothing, other than merely have the misfortune to physically be there, are getting astonishingly long jail sentences. These are people who just were there. They did not break anything, they did not hit anybody, they didn't even raise their voice. In some cases they didn't even enter the Capitol building, remaining outside. They are still being politically persecuted and, astonishingly, getting egregiously long jail sentences. In many cases these people literally did absolutely nothing, other than just physically be there (which, by the way, was not illegal, and even if it had been it would have been a mere trespassing misdemeanor).

What makes this a sign of deep corruption is that, at the same time, these exact same authorities, the FBI, the police, the court system, are completely ignoring far-leftist rioters who have done much, much worse, including invading governmental buildings and committing vandalism and arson against them. The vast, vast majority of these cases are not even investigated, even when there's very clear video footage of the people in question, unmasked, for anybody to recognize. In the microscopic minority of cases that someone is actually arrested, in a good majority of these cases the charges are simply dropped. From the remaining minuscule amount of cases the sentence is usually just a slap on the wrist. Nowhere even near the egregiously long jail sentences that some people are getting for merely being there during "January 6th", even when they didn't do anything.

Ignoring far-leftist rioters, even when they commit acts of aggression against high-level governmental buildings, has been par for the course in the United States (and, sadly, in many other western countries as well) for about a decade now. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of examples of the police literally just watching it happen from the sidelines, without doing anything about it, not trying to stop it, not arresting anybody. There are likewise literally hundreds and hundreds of examples of a minuscule minority of such rioters actually getting arrested but then receiving no or effectively no punishment at all.

At the same time, even moderately conservative people who have done pretty much nothing are receiving egregiously long jail sentences.

The amount of blatant political bias and corruption in the law enforcement and judiciary system in the United States is astonishing and scary. It's essentially the same as in totalitarian regimes like China and North Korea.
