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Far-leftists just don't know how to feel about Jews

Jewish people as a whole just don't seem to be able to catch a break. Pretty much for their entire existence, save some periods of relative peace and independence, they have been persecuted, oppressed, marginalized and demonized by pretty much everybody. During their entire history they have been oppressed and demonized by different nations and rulers, and both by the far-right and the far-left (including what could be considered their historical equivalents).

Nowadays they are still hated, maligned and demonized by the far-right (the actual far-right, not what the left is calling "far-right"), but for the most part Jews don't have much to worry about them because that side of the political spectrum has been relegated to a small fringe minority with little to no political nor social power.

Nowadays the biggest dangers they face are the islamofascists and, quite ironically (or perhaps not), the modern far left.

And it's precisely that last part that's the most fascinating and would be hilarious if it weren't such a genuinely serious topic.

In other words, modern far-leftists just seem to be incapable of deciding how to feel about Jewish people.

Ethnically Jews are just right on that fuzzy line dividing so-called "white people" from so-called "non-white people", which means that the far left can classify them as "white" or a protected marginalized minority, whichever is most convenient for the current topic at hand. (This is what some call "ethnopositive existence": Jews are ethnically "white", and thus not protected, if that somehow puts white people in a negative light or non-white people in a positive light, and they are "non-white", and thus protected, when the opposite is true.) Far-leftists do not care about keeping the narrative consistent and will freely switch between the two as it suits them.

Quite naturally far-leftists will quickly hurry in defense of Jewish people when they are the victims of actual far-right violence or other types of attacks. While this (thankfully) happens quite rarely, whenever it does happen it gives the far-leftists the perfect opportunity to virtue-signal and to point fingers and say "see? See? We told you that the country is full of antisemitic nazis and fascists!"

But far-leftists find themselves much more in a pickle when people in their own side are the ones assaulting or otherwise attacking Jews. This especially when the attackers themselves belong to a protected class (such as black people). Now suddenly they are faced with the hard dilemma of who to side with. Should they side with the Jews and defend them against the attacks (like they did when actual far-right extremists attacked them), or should they side with the attackers, who are on their side of the political spectrum and perhaps even themselves a "protected minority"?

Indeed, when Jewish people are being viciously assaulted and harassed by black people in particular, the leftist media and the leftist twitter mob are oddly quiet and treading on egg shells, not really knowing what to say. Many choose not to say anything because they are too scared to pick the wrong side (and thus get attacked by their own people), others try to weasel themselves out of the dilemma with excuses and verbal gymnastics.

A special type of this second kind of dilemma happens when Jews are being attacked by Arabs (which has been one of the top stories of the world because of the events that are currently happening as of writing this blog post.)

The problem is, of course, that Arabs are much higher on the protection stack than Jews, and thus a good majority of far-leftists will side with and support the former. The major problem with this is that the attacks on Israel have been vicious, devastating and caused the deaths of hundreds of completely innocent people in a series of extreme terrorist attacks.

The problem is, of course, that if you side with the attackers, you will be supporting the attacks and the killing of innocent people. This still hasn't stopped some leftists from giving their support anyway.

It's especially this last kind of people who I have most disdain for. Anybody who supports terrorist attacks and the killing of people is no better than the people who are doing the attacks. They are monsters.

And they want to convert the entire west into that same ideology.
