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The priorities of the British police

For quite many years now the British police has become quite infamous for having become the morality police for the modern far left.

The situation is worsened by the fact that there's pretty much nothing protecting the citizens from the arbitrary whims of the police forces. After all (and perhaps a bit surprisingly) the United Kingdom does not have a Constitution. A Constitution usually protects the rights of the citizens (such as the right to free speech) and limits what kinds of laws government can pass, and what the police can do. Not in the UK. There the police can decide at a whim what kind of speech is allowed and what kind of speech you will be arrested for.

Indeed, citizens in the UK have been investigated and even arrested by the police by the thousands every year for such "crimes" as "misgendering" someone online, for making some minor controversial jokes in some private online group, and even for merely liking a particular tweet (not even writing it, but just liking it).

Meanwhile in large parts of the country the police will not even investigate burglaries anymore. In half of the country's neighborhoods not a single burglary has been solved, and in many cases the police will not even send anybody to investigate when a burglary is reported.

So get this straight: If you merely like the "wrong" tweet the police will come knocking on your door (not even exaggerating), but if you report a burglary in most of the country the police will not even bother showing up at all, nor investigate in any way.

According to the British police, "being offensive is an offence". That's not hyperbole. That's exactly what they are saying.

Why is being offensive an offence? Because it hurts people feelings and makes them feel bad. Which is such a "crime" that you'll get arrested for it.

But think about it: Which is genuinely more psychologically devastating, being "misgendered" by some random person online, or the privacy of your home being violated, your home trashed, and your property stolen from you?

Apparently according to the British police being "misgendered" is a significantly worse crime than your home being invaded and burglarized. The latter is such a petty crime that in most cases they won't even bother showing up, much less investigating.

Of course given that the British police seems to think that even rape is lesser of a crime than "misgendering" someone...

The sad thing is that there's very little British citizens can do about it. They can try to protest it, but they will only get arrested and fined (and they can't even refuse to pay the fine because the government will just take the money from their bank accounts, and there's absolutely nothing the citizens can do about it).

The United Kingdom is literally a totalitarian police state. No hyperbole.
