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The irony (and hypocrisy) of the alphabet community

Consider the state in which the western world is at the moment:

Universities and academia are almost 100% far-leftist "intersectional feminist" "progressive" one million percent pro-LGBwhateveralphabet. In many if not most western countries all lower-level schools are likewise invaded by the ideology and in many schools this is being actively and regularly taught to students (at an ever-increasing pace). Dissent is not allowed, and any form of dissent is opposed extremely aggressively (sometimes even with actual physical violence towards the dissenter, even ending up in hospitalization).

And because universities are almost 100% far-leftist, so is the scientific community. By far and large any dissent from the ideology is absolutely not tolerated, and any prominent scientist making even the slightest remark that goes against the far-leftist doctrine, no matter how mild, will be shunned, harassed and kicked out.

The press, and the mainstream media in general, is at least 99% far-leftist, and willingly engages in far-leftist propaganda, social engineering, and self-censorship. There are extremely few neutral, and even fewer conservative media outlets in existence, and they are regularly the target of smearing and shunning campaigns (in some countries even from the government itself).

And speaking of governments, in the vast majority of western countries governments are at least 90% far-leftist, or at a very minimum extremely sympathetic and supporting of the far-leftist agenda. With the exception of the United States, if there's any conservative or right-wing party in government, it will be a minority. In some countries even the "conservative" party will be sympathetic and supporting of the far-leftist agenda.

It has become more and more common, in many western countries, for the government itself to organize displays of support for "Pride Month", even though the government as a whole should be more neutral than that, and represent the entire citizenship as a whole, rather than showing open support for a particular political ideology.

This goes ten-fold for law enforcement and the military. While in some countries the police is still completely politically neutral (as it should), in an increasing number of western countries the police forces are openly pro-LGBwhateveralphabet, not only explicitly expressing their support eg. on social media, but sometimes even brandishing the flags and other symbology.

In several countries (and counting) the concept of "hate crime" is being introduced more and more strongly into legislation, and in some countries even extremely minor transgressions against LGBwhateveralphabet people will be met with a police investigation.

In contrast, in many countries law enforcement will be extraordinarily lenient towards far-leftist activists, even when they commit very serious crimes (especially if they do it in large groups), such as vandalism, destruction of property, arson, disrupting traffic, harassment and even physical assault. If there is ever a similar incident committed by far-right activists, the response from law enforcement will be significantly harsher and swifter (even if the crimes that were committed are exactly the same).

Rather obviously the coverage of such incidents by the press will be extremely biased in favor of the far-leftists and against the far-rightists.

Almost all major companies (with very few although quite prominent exceptions) are fully pro-LGBwhateveralphabet, openly showing support, and having internal policies and even employees dedicated to enforcing those policies within the company. The larger the company, the more likely it is that they will have this kind of policy and even people working exclusively to enforce it.

In a good majority of cases the environment in these companies, and most other institutions adopting these policies, will be extremely oppressive. Employees will by far and large be too scared of voicing their dissenting opinions out of fear of being fired. In other words, people are silenced through threats and fear, and the threat of severe consequences if they express even mild dissenting opinions. Literally millions of people in the west are intimidated into silence and submission in this manner, with fear and oppressive threats. Almost nobody dares to openly state their criticism and dissenting opinions.

What is the irony and hypocrisy in all this?

In that the LGBwhateveralphabet community still claims to be oppressed and marginalized, and in fear of their lives for merely being who they are. According to them, they are still the victims of society, and oppressed, discriminated and marginalized.

Let that sink in.
