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Modern western society is inherently misandrist

Whenever there's any sort of celebration or commemoration of women, or mothers, or any sort of message being conveyed about women or mothers in mainstream media (such as advertisements of a product for women) there isn't even one single instance, none, of a piece of media doing this that would in any way, shape or form criticize women/mothers, or admonish them in any way, or tell them what they should be doing or reminding them about their responsibilities and duties in society.

Take any piece of media, any sort of PSA, or celebratory video or TV segment, or any advertisement (which is either commemorating the special day, or selling a product for women), and it will always be completely positive and celebratory of women.

Now contrast that to similar events or ads about men, or fathers. For example those broadcast on or around Fathers' Day. Or any sort of advertisement for a male product (such as a shaving razor, for example).

While there are, of course, a lot of videos that are likewise purely celebratory and commemorating, there nevertheless are quite many that are much less so, some subtly, some way more blatantly.

Suddenly, we have lots and lots of such pieces of media telling men/fathers what they should be doing, what their responsibilities are, what their duties are. Quite often some kind of message about women will appear and, quite often, be the central theme of the piece. In the most blatant examples the video will have nothing to do about commemorating or celebrating men or fathers, and everything about women, and what men should do,  how they should behave, what their responsibilities are.

In the worst cases that exist the piece of media will actually be subtly criticizing men for some perceived flaw that apparently most men have (such as "toxic masculinity").

Something like Fathers' Day is supposed to commemorate and acknowledge the importance of fathers, how important they are as people, and the positive role that they have. Yet, more and more PSAs and ads are instead admonishing men for their (alleged) flaws and telling them how to behave and what to do.

This is especially egregious when a world-renown company selling products for men, such as shaving razors, creates advertisement campaigns admonishing men and telling them how to behave and what they should be doing, and what they should stop doing, and insinuating all kinds of inherent flaws in their thinking and behavior. Way to sell a product.

Imagine the same thing being done to women in an advertisement selling a product for them. This kind of ad would not be made, not in a million years.

Yet, when this is done to men, nobody bats an eye.
