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Inconvenient perpetrators of hate crimes, addendum 4

In several previous blog posts I have commented how the far left, very much including the majority of the mainstream media, has been facing quite a problem with numerous clear hate crimes that they can't use for their narrative because they were committed by "inconvenient" perpetrators. Such as, for example, two Marines of Mexican descent being harassed, racist slurs thrown at them, and assaulted by a mob of white people, a significant increase in physical assaults against Asian people and against Jewish people in several American cities (with the racist motivations behind these assaults being very clearly expressed by the perpetrators), or someone entering the offices of a Jewish Democrat mayoral candidate and shooting at him with the intent to kill.

The examples of this just keep on coming. The latest example is a guy bringing a firearm to a Brooklyn subway and shooting at people. Quite fortunately, while he did wound several, he failed to kill anybody because his weapon jammed and he couldn't fix it.

What makes this an example of a hate crime? The fact that this guy had a long history of extreme racist rhetoric online, in the major social media websites. He strongly believes in complete racial segregation, where white people and non-white people shouldn't even reside on the same hemisphere. He expressed several times his desire for all members of a particular race to be killed.

One CNN report even states that "he repeatedly espoused hatred toward African Americans."

You might guess where I'm going with this. You are right: The perpetrator is black, and he was trying to kill as many white people as he could. He expressed this several times on social media, including Facebook (which, curiously, didn't get him banned).

And what do you know, the mainstream media is once again treading on eggshells with this one. They are avoiding any mention of his racist and black supremacist views, often not even mentioning his ethnicity at all. Instead, the media is trying to spin this into some kind of mental health issue.

And, in fact, at least in one instance the media is trying to fool people into thinking that this was a white supremacist trying to kill black people: The above-mentioned CNN article.

(How can they possibly claim that he "repeatedly espoused hatred toward African Americans", when in fact he espoused hatred toward white people? They are basing that claim on him using the "N-word" in many of his online posts. Solely on that, and nothing else. Even though, as a black person in the United States, he has "N-word privileges" and thus by American standards cannot be accused of anything for using that word.)
