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Will Smith seems to have some kind of mental problem

During the 2022 Academy Awards (ie. "Oscars") ceremony, at one point the host of the show, Chris Rock, made a joke about the wife of Will Smith, Jada Smith, both of whom were in the audience, telling her that he's waiting for her role in "G.I. Jane 2" (not an actual upcoming movie). This was a reference to the movie G.I. Jane whose protagonist (acted by Demi Moore) had an almost clean shaved head (as an integral part of character development), which was a reference to Jada also having an almost clean shaved head.

The camera footage quite clearly shows Will Smith laughing at the joke immediately after Chris makes it. However, Jada clearly looks upset, and is not laughing. No doubt because her hair style is not by choice, as she suffers from a medical condition that causes hair loss.

The broadcast then cuts back to Chris Rock on stage, so we don't see what exactly happens, but a few seconds later he reacts to Will Smith standing up and starting to walk towards him. Quite clearly this was not scripted. (Some reports say that Will's wife said something to him and then his expression changed and he immediately got up and started walking towards the stage.) When Smith reaches the stage he proceeds to slap Chris Rock in the face before walking back to his seat.

After he has sat down once again he shouts at the top of his lungs twice "keep my wife's name out of your fucking mouth!" in a very serious tone with a very serious expression, clearly extremely upset, and almost crying.

The audience was clearly confused and thought that this might be part of the act or something, as most of them kept laughing and cheering throughout the incident. Indeed, the whole thing came so much out of the blue and was so extraordinarily bizarre that no sane person would expect such a thing, and one would easily think that this is some strange scripted thing, at least at that exact moment it was happening.

Chris Rock continued to present the show as professionally as he could, and the organizers tried to make the show continue as well. Within about an hour Will Smith himself was awarded an Oscar. He removed all doubt that this was completely unscripted and that he did it spontaneously and seriously by apologizing for the incident during his speech. He apologized to the Academy and to the audience, but quite notably he did not apologize to Chris Rock himself. In fact, he indirectly justified his action by referring to his character being very protective of his family. (It seems to me that even at that point, after he had an entire hour to cool down, he still thought that he was justified in what he did, and that he didn't regret doing it, other than it disrupting the show. To my knowledge as of writing this he has still not commented on it having been wrong, or apologizing in any way to Chris Rock himself.)

Even though Chris Rock would probably have a completely clear-cut slam-dunk court case against Smith for physical assault, he declined to even make a police report on it (at least as of writing this.)

I think that this is an indication of some kind of mental problem that Will Smith may be having. No sane person would just stand up during a live show of this caliber, one of the most prestigious award ceremonies in the world (while critics of far-leftism have considered the show to have been a complete joke for years, it's nevertheless still one of the most prestigious shows of its kind), in front of millions of people watching, and walk to the stage to physically assault the host.

No matter how upset one might be, a sane rational person would wait for the show to finish and then go confront the host afterwards, behind the scenes. At most, if the emotions of anger are too big to control, one would walk out of the audience, and refuse to come back.

These are not the actions of a sane rational person. Nobody in their right mind gets so utterly upset by such a thing as to actually do this, in this kind of event, in front of millions of people watching. A walkout (and confronting the person after the show) would be the most visible thing a rational person would do.

I think Will Smith needs some professional help. These are not the actions of a sane person.
