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Socialist lies: Companies and workers

Some kind of "neo-socialism" of sorts has gained a significant amount of traction in many western countries in recent years (no doubt thanks to the thousands and thousands of people indoctrinated into it in universities). Where a mere 10 to 20 years ago it was just a fringe ideology without much voice nor influence, nowadays you can't go a day without some kind of celebrity or influencer going on a tirade about it on social media, YouTube, publications and even TV.

One of the key points that they love regurgitating, no doubt without any understanding of what it would actually mean or whether it makes sense in a given situation, is the concept of workers themselves owning the company in which they work, equally. They rant endlessly about how capitalism "exploits" workers, how bosses and CEOs get rich at the expense of workers who get pitiable salaries, even though it's the workers themselves who are bringing the money into the company and thus into the pockets of the CEOs. They go on and on about how it would be much fairer if the company was equally owned by every single worker, rather than just a handful of people at the top.

This rhetoric is highly deceitful.

How? Because it implies, gives the impression, that there's something in our capitalist society, in our capitalist system, that would stop and disallow such companies from existing.

If they really wanted companies owned equally by the workers they can go right ahead and create them! Nobody is stopping them from doing so. There's no law that says otherwise. There is no system that would stop it from happening. They can go right ahead and create such utopian socialist corporations. (That's, in fact, the beauty of a free capitalist society: You are free to do pretty much anything you want that doesn't hurt others, without the government or anybody stepping in and stopping you from doing so.)

But, for some reason, they don't do that. Instead, they want existing companies to be converted into socialism. They don't want to create new companies. They want the existing ones.


Because they are leeches and parasites who are unable to create anything on their own, that's why.

What they want is not socialism. What they want is to rob other people of their property. They want to steal what others have created. They want the rewards without putting in the work. They want the fruits of the work that others have done, and steal it for themselves.

The most hilarious excuse I have ever heard from a socialist on why they don't just go and create their own "fair" socialist companies is that, according to this person, banks wouldn't give them loans, and that's why they wouldn't be able to create the companies.

You know, because when you seek for a loan in order to create a company, the bank will meticulously ask what kind of economic system you will be using, and if you give them even a hint that it's an "every worker owns the company" system, they will deny you the loan. You will create an exploitative capitalist company!

That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

If they really believed that a "socialist" company could work, there really is nothing stopping them from creating such companies and proving it to everybody in practice. But they won't do that. They just want to steal from existing companies.
