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Of course they hate Shaft

Shaft is a new installation, made in 2019, in the long series of films of that name. Famously, it's one of the best-known movie franchises with a black protagonist.

The 2019 movie was directed by a black director, Tim Story, and stars the famous Samuel L. Jackson. In fact, the majority of the main cast is portrayed by black actors.

Naturally, the leftist SJW journalists love the movie, while the general population, the racists they are, absolutely hate it and...

Wait... What?

Those numbers can't possibly be right. The professional critics are absolutely trashing the movie (34% is extremely low when it comes to aggregated movie scores) while the general audience is absolutely loving it (likewise 94% is an extremely good audience score).

How can this be possible? This is impossible!

Well, of course it's not impossible. If there's one thing that you can be sure of nowadays is that if the professional critics hate a movie or TV series, while the audience absolutely loves it, that means that the movie is not pandering to the regressive left, does not bend the knee, is not pushing a leftist agenda, and is completely unapologetic. (If the scores are the other way around, you can be certain it's likewise the opposite in terms of what kind of message the movie or TV series is presenting.)

And, as far as I know (not having yet seen the movie), that describes perfectly the movie: It's completely unapologetic, and doesn't pander to the regressive leftist narrative, and in fact might even take a few jabs at it (although from what I have heard it's not very overt about it). So this is a movie directed by a black man, presenting an almost fully black main cast... that does not pander to the regressive leftist narrative and isn't preachy about it. No wonder the SJW journalists are trashing it, while the audience is loving it.

I also love how this goes completely contrary to the claims of the regressive left that the general population is racist and hates everything with black people in them or made by black people. Well, those numbers tell a completely different story.

You know, it's almost as if people love movies that are really well made, rather than what the color of the skin of the people making it might happen to be. If it's well written, and well crafted, it's liked.
