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The regressive left is ruled by fear

It's actually scary how much the regressive extremist left has been indoctrinated into a (among many other things) culture of fear.

They are being constantly bombarded by their own side with the most extreme alarmist, and for the most part completely fictitious, visions of the world and their surrounding society. In their world, almost all women experience sexual harassment and rape, almost all black people experience racism every single day and will be likely be killed by the police, and so on and so forth.

When Donald Trump was elected the president of the United States many social justice warriors were making YouTube videos that were absolutely insane. I kid you not, many of them were acting like they were Jews during the Holocaust, and the SS were going to bang on their door at any moment. Many of them were literally crying in desperation, expressing their absolute anguish and hopelessness, telling how they were seriously thinking of killing themselves. Others made really somber videos, with their eyes clearly looking like they had been crying for hours. I don't think these videos could have been more somber if they had got news that thermonuclear weapons were going to hit their city in a few minutes, and there was absolutely nothing they could do about it.

Of course absolutely nothing like this happened. Not that they care.

Brexit is, naturally, another one of these bogeymen of the regressive left. Many people in the UK are absolutely and morbidly terrified of leaving the EU. They literally think that the entire economy of the country will collapse, and it will become a third-world country suffering from famine, the complete collapse of society, and the ensuing chaos and riots. I kid you not, many of these people have become full-on conspiracy-theory survivalists, and built themselves reinforced bunkers in their basements, where they have amassed large quantities of canned food and other stuff, to prepare for the upcoming complete collapse of society and the ensuing famine, riots and civil war.

They are completely insane. The UK is literally one of the richest and wealthiest countries in the entire world, with not only a healthy but in fact growing economy. Leaving the EU is not going to make the economy of the UK collapse.

How can these people live in constant fear of everything, to absolutely morbid extents?
