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More SJW vs. anti-SJW forum behavior

I wrote in an earlier blog post about a couple of differences I have noticed in typical SJW forums and anti-SJW forums, with the former engaging a lot more in cult-like psychological reinforcement (in the form of people ego-stroking other people who are writing things they consider good for the cause, showering them with thanks, praises and adulation, with no other constructive input), as well as virtue-signaling through verbal self-flagellation (ie. "confessing one's sins" and declaring how one is a very bad person, in this case mostly because of being white), two behaviors that you very rarely see in forums populated by the critical side.

There are many other differences, of course.

If you start reading these forums, or Twitter feeds, or Facebook walls, especially those who are social justice activists to extreme degree, you'll notice the sheer amount of calls to action to their readers. Their post history will be stock full of posts calling for people to "report this", and "report that", for Twitter, Facebook, or whoever authority figure to remove this, or remove that, or ban this, or ban that. In many cases the SJW expresses the wish that the police, the authorities, the government, would intervene and do something. In a good majority of cases, the thing being objected to, and asked to be removed or banned, is something very minor. It's not like somebody posting illegal pornographic pictures, or selling drugs, or soliciting the murder of somebody, or anything of the sort. In the vast majority of cases it's simply someone simply expressing his opinion, which the SJW in question doesn't like.

If the SJW in question is riled up enough, she will directly and explicitly express that she wants the freedom of speech of those people suppressed, and doesn't care. (Yes, it has come to this point, where SJWs are directly calling for suppression of freedom of speech of people, with those exact words. They aren't beating around the bush anymore, or making excuses. They aren't even using the "hate speech is not free speech" excuse anymore. There are many, many examples out there.) And I'm not even talking about some random anonymous nobodies using pseudonyms. Many of them are known big-name activists, journalists and other personalities (eg. with a so-called blue checkmark on Twitter).

In contrast, I don't remember seeing much of such calls to action from the opposing side. In general, the anti-SJW side supports free speech, and the ability for people to express their opinions publicly, regardless of what those opinions are. Rarely do the anti-SJWs try to organize a campaign to silence some SJW by sending spurious false reports to whatever service is hosting that person's posts. (It probably does happen sometimes, but from what I have seen, it tends to be much rarer. In contrast, on the SJW side it's par for the course and happens all the time.) At the very most what I have seen is something like this, but with the intent of showing the SJW in question the consequences of draconian totalitarian rules, by making herself suffer from the very rules of the website that she's advocating. (In other words, the intent is not really to silence her and remove her from the internet, but to show her what happens when draconian anti-free-speech rules are enacted on a social media website, by having herself be the victim of those very rules.) But even this is rare in my experience.

It's curious, and a bit scary, how totalitarian the SJWs are, when it suits their ideology. They constantly want more government control, to give the police more and more power, to give big private corporations more and more power to suppress people's expression of free speech and ability to communicate with each other. They literally and explicitly want people's freedoms to be suppressed by the authorities and the government if they hold the "wrong" opinions, and they already are directly expressing that, rather than making excuses. They want a totalitarian government, and they want to increase the power and control that the government has on people's lives, freedoms, rights and liberties. They want an ultra-corporatist society where corporations hold more and more power over people, being free to suppress, discriminate against, and shun people for their political opinions, not only without repercussions, but even with encouragement, even pressure, to do so.

It's curious how little you see this from the supposed "right-wing" people, even though it's precisely the "right-wing" political spectrum that's supposedly hierarchical, authoritarian and totalitarian, while it's supposedly the "left-wing" political spectrum that's supposedly for freedoms, rights and equality.

(Of course what's really happening that those "wrongthinkers" are actually pretty centrist, some of the a bit left-leaning (eg. in their stance on public social services, for instance), some a bit right-leaning (having a bit more stereotypically conservative values, for example when it comes to things like marriage, gun control and such), but overall pretty centrist. It's just that to the SJWs everything that doesn't conform to their political ideology is "far-right". Which is like 95% of the political spectrum.)
